Autori: Boesso, Giacomo, Monteduro, Fabio
Titolo: Gli strumenti di comunicazione e relazione con gli stakeholder nel Trasporto pubblico locale: dalla qualità alla responsabilità sociale
Periodico: Economia pubblica
Anno: 2007 - Volume: 37 - Fascicolo: 3/4 - Pagina iniziale: 133 - Pagina finale: 153

Gli strumenti di comunicazione e relazione con gli stakeholder nel Trasporto pubblico locale: dalla qualità alla responsabilità sociale (di Giacomo Boesso, Fabio Monteduro) - ABSTRACT: The stakeholder reporting in its original formulation is a managerial tool that helps companies in reviewing its processes and in improving stakeholder relationships rather then a simple reputation tool or even worst a compliance exercise. Object of the paper is to discuss the instruments of institutional stakeholder communication in the local transport industry where innovative voluntary documents, such as the social reports, progressively support the mandatory documents better known as mobility charts. An empirical research is performed in order to compare the annual reports and the mobility charts of the main Italian local transport companies. All documents are investigated through a research table that jointly considers the features of the reporting process (aims, methodologies, stakeholder engagement) and of the document (analytics, measures types and benchmarks).

SICI: 0390-6140(2007)37:3/4<133:GSDCER>2.0.ZU;2-C
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