Risultato della ricerca: (46 titoli )

Transnational and transcultural educational models in Eastern and Southern Europe in the 19. and 20. centuries. Foreword to thematic section of the issue
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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We are building up pedagogy and a school system: educational discussion in interwar Czechoslovakia as togetherness or coexistence?
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Creating the new (Slavic) world through education. A comparison of the educational discussions between the Slovenes and the Czechs
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Herbartianism as an eastern central European phenomenon and its reception in Hungary
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New school and education of new man in Zlín and Borovo. An example of a difficult pedagogical transfer
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Miljenko Vidovic, an educational visionary or inventive impostor?
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Elena of Montenegro, Queen of Italy: an educational model of womanhood from Cetinje to Rome
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Perceptions and implementations of Froebelian pedagogy in the Greek education. A transcultural analysis
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Gentile in Spain: an historiographical mirage
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Monumental memory of school in post-unitarian Italy
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La representación de la infancia en los manuales escolares españoles del siglo 20.: un estudio de la 'bowdlerización' pedagógica de Platero y yo
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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El viaje americano de Adolphe Ferrière de 1930: transferencias y apropiaciones en la circulación de las pedagogías renovadoras entre Europa y América Latina. Un caso para (re)pensar las relaciones centro-periferia
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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The early days of educational television and the case of 'L’Approdo': a critical reconstruction through historiography
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Crafts classes as one of the dimensions of aesthetic education in Polish elementary schools (1918-1939)
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Follow-up file for studying the material and spiritual status of students (1920)
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Educar en la igualdad y la diversidad a través de la literatura infantil y juvenil. Microestudio sobre las categorías de género, etnia y edad en tres obras norteamericanas
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The reception of the ideas of J.H. Pestalozzi in the Greek region during the 19th Century
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'A jumble of contradictions'. The 1950s Italian University from the failure of the Gonella reform to the Ten-Year Plan
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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The political thought of Vamba in the context of early 20th century Italy: civic-ethical commitment and the project of educating new generations in citizenship
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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José Saramago infantil e juvenil
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Storia di una pratica d’insegnamento. Il 'dettato' nei programmi didattici della scuola elementare dall’Unità all’avvento del fascismo
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Educating teaching staff in a teacher training school in Nazareth (1944-1948)
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Religione, educazione civica e morale negli scritti politici di Paolo Mantegazza. Profilo e militanza parlamentare di un 'laico religioso'
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Escrever, Recortar, Colar: 'Acervo de vivências' nos cadernos da professora Luzia (Porto Alegre/RS/Brasil, 1989-2010)
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European cultural convergences in Spain during the 19th century: the Institución Libre de Enseñanza
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Le figure-chiave del successo della produzione per l'infanzia della SEI nel periodo tra le due guerre
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Proposte di letture storico educative
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La narrativa per bambini e ragazzi tra finzione e realtà. Un originale percorso di ricerca
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La collana di classici della pedagogia 'Educatori di ieri e di oggi': un’ambiziosa (ma necessaria) scommessa sulla scuola e sugli insegnanti
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Sulle ali leggere della fiaba: polimorfismo e continuità di un genere letterario
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Emigrazione italiana in Brasile e difesa della fede. A proposito di un recente volume
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Renata Lollo's contribution to the history of children's literature in Italy. The genesis and the peculiar approach of the essay 'Sulla letteratura per l’infanzia'
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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The itinerary of recent children's literature in Italy. Renata Lollo's epistemological and historiographical contribution
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Gli archivi scolastici come fonti per la ricerca storico educativa: esperienze e prospettive
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Qué leen los niños y las niñas? Análisis de sus algunas de sus lecturas desde una perspectiva de género
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The place of infrastructure in early childhood education schools in research carried out in Brazil
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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La 'scoperta' dell'infanzia e la valorizzazione delle pratiche educative: riflessioni sullo sviluppo epistemologico della ricerca storico-educativa sulla prima infanzia
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Anna Ascenzi, Il fascismo e la mobilitazione della gioventù italiana all’estero. Ideologia e propaganda nei periodici per ragazzi. Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2020 [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2021
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Settecento pedagogico e riformatore, introduzione e cura di Roberto Sani, Roma, Edizioni Conoscenza, 2019 [Recensione]
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Bible et littérature de jeunesse, sous la direction de Béatrice Ferrier, 'Cahiers Robinson', vol. 44, 2018 [Recensione]
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Terciane Angela Luchese, Alberto Barausse, Celebrations of Italiannes: italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul and schools, between memory and history (1924-1926); Roberto Sani, Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and italian emigration in Brazil: pastoral care, education and national identity (1888-1905); Roberto Sani, 'Per conservare la fede dei padri'. La Guida spirituale per l’emigrato italiano nella America del sacerdote scalabriniano Pietro, Colbacchini, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2020 [Recensione]
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Maria Bocci, L'anima cristiana della contestazione'. Gli studenti dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Edizioni Studium, 2020 [Recensione]
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Antonio Lerra, L’Università degli Studi della Basilicata. Per un profilo storico, Potenza, BUP-Basilicata University Press, 2020 [Recensione]
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Franca Arduini, Vania Di Stefano (edd.), Maria Pascucci, Lettere a Titomanlio Manzella e suoi familiari (1923-1974), Rimini, Raffaelli editore, 2020 [Recensione]
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Memoria scolastica ed educativa: questioni metodologiche, buone pratiche ed esperienze digitali. A proposito del terzo seminario nazionale PRIN (Firenze, 17 settembre 2020)
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Call for papers del convegno internazionale 'The school and its many pasts. School memories between social perception and collective representation' (Macerata, 12-14 dicembre 2022)
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