Risultato della ricerca: (43 titoli )

The development of teacher training in the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe. Foreword to thematic section of the issue
History of education & children's literature - 2013
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The development of private education regulation in the field of teacher training in Slovenia
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The development and prospects of teacher education in Croatia
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The development of primary school teacher education in Serbia in the 19th and the first decade of the 20th century
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The position of teachers in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
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The development of primary school teacher education in Montenegro
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Development of primary teacher schooling in Macedonia (1869-1963). Roots and fruits of a century-long tradition
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Elementary school teachers in Milan during the Restoration (1814-1859): innovations and improvements in teacher training
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Formation and institutionalisation of education for female teachers, during the second half of the 19th century in the Czech Lands
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Die berufliche und nationale Emanzipation der tschechischen Lehrerschaft im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Motive, Ziele, Erfahrungen und Reflexionen
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From the Enlightenment to Philanthropinism in the pedagogical thought of the Romanians from Transylvania, the Banat and Hungary (1776-1848)
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The Baron József Eötvös Collegium as an elite teacher training institute. The analysis of the admitted members between 1895 and 1950
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Devozione e carità. Educazione cristiana ed edificazione dell'immagine della Verona sancta nel secondo Cinquecento
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School for Tribes
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Le strategie educative dell'aristocrazia polacco-lituana (1720-1773). Il ruolo dei gesuiti fra ideale retorico-umanistico e pratica pedagogica
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Finding out about the colonies. The role of schools, between the 1800s and 1900s, in establishing an Italian colonial identity. The state of research
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L'istruzione secondaria in Molise dopo la restaurazione borbonica (1821-1828)
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Historia de las disciplinas, profesionalización docente y formación de profesores: el caso español
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Filologia, editoria, educazione e identità nazionale: una tradizione per l'Italia
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From nature guiding to nature interpretation in the United States (1872-1920). The origins of the professional practice of heritage interpretation: between protection and education
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The education of Venetian girls in Brazil: a study of colonial centers in São Caetano and Alfredo Chaves between 1883 and 1912
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Children and the dark side of Charles Dickens
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New insights into the history of child rearing within Russian and Soviet families (1890-1940)
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Nineteenth century female education in the Slovak Region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
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The classical studies secondary school and the construction of national identity in post-unitary Italy
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Penetration of the scientific discourse into textbooks of religious instruction in the 1910s in the Ottoman Empire
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Nell'officina creativa di Gianni Rodari: dal Quaderno di Fantastica al 'Pioniere'
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Boarding schools as means to educate children from remote districts in Finland. A micro-historical study of the role of the student hall of residence in Sodankilä, 1943-1972
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From centralisation to decentralisation within the European educational context: the Greek example from 1980s to nowadays
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L'Olimpo fanciullo. Tracce storiche di una pedagogia del mito tra educazione, narrazione e didattica
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Torino benefica: l'Istituto per l'educazione dei ciechi
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La sezione Maestre e Maestri della Camera del Lavoro di Milano (1893-1898). Parte prima
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Fascismo, cultura e università in un importante discorso di Giuseppe Bottai (1928)
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Il 'Fiammifero' di Vamba. Un disegno ritrovato: primi appunti di ricerca
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Ce que lisent les enfants français d'aujourd'hui
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Scuola, società e democrazia. A proposito di un recente lavoro sulla storia della scuola nell'Italia del Novecento
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Protagonisti e strategie della lotta contro l'ignoranza nell'Italia unita. A proposito di una recente pubblicazione
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Due protagonisti dello sviluppo della scuola primaria romena della prima metà del ventesimo secolo. Il contributo di una recente monografia
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Roberto Sani, Domenico Simeone (edd.), Don Lorenzo Milani e la Scuola della Parola. Analisi storica e prosprettive pedagogiche, Macerata, eum 2011, 306 p. [Recensione]
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Giorgio Chiosso, Alfabeti d'Italia. La lotta contro l'ignoranza nell'Italia unita, Torino, SEI, 2011, 319 p. [Recensione]
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Claudio Giuliodori, Roberto Sani (edd.), Scienza, Ragione, Fede. Il genio di Padre Matteo Ricci, Macerata, eum 2012, 436 p. + 2 dvd [Recensione]
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The MUSLI 'Museo della Scuola e del Libro per l'Infanzia' ('The School and the Children's Book Museum') of the Foundation Tancredi di Barolo in Turin. An institution at the forefront of the preservation and enhancement of educational and scholastic heritage
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The Pedagogical Museum 'A.S. Makarenko' (Moscow): a look at the history, trying to understand the present and prognosticating the future
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Le Biblioteche aderenti
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Istituto per ricerche ed attività educative. Centro studi 'Roberto Marrama' : Biblioteca
Riviera di Chiaia, 264
80121 - Napoli