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The library of Cardinal Silvio Antoniano between studia humanitatis and ecclesiastical culture
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Alienated childhood: a comparison between childhood represented in English and Chinese children's literature of the late 20. century
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Making history in the digital age: new forms of access to the sources and of preservation of the historical-educational heritage
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Histoire de la langue dans l'histoire de l'école: l'italien post-unitaire à travers les compositions écrites des élèves
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Das Prinzip der Elementarisierung in der Lehrmethode F.A.W. Diestrwegs und seine Anwendung in seinen Lehrbüchern
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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L'ultima institutio: il buon contadino
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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The role of calligraphy in the Italian schools of modern times
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Children's literature in wartime: the magazine 'Los Niños' (1870-1877)
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Schools policy and teacher training in Italy in the Giolitti age
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Ceto accademico e politica in una città universitaria: l'Università popolare di Pisa dalle origini al secondo dopoguerra (1900-1945)
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Representation of sexuality in elementary school textbooks of the late Soviet period
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Lo stato nuovo brasiliano (1937-1945) e la formazione scolastica dell'infanzia: il fascismo 'goccia a goccia'
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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La transformation de l'éducation espagnole à la fin du franquisme. La loi générale de l'éducation et la formation d'instituteurs
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Not Yuletide? Fir tree ornaments as an integral part of Soviet socialization practices (1920-1960)
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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I musei dell'educazione come risorsa per la ricerca
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Il libro per l'infanzia oggetto di traduzioni e adattamenti
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Sistemi di Welfare State nell'Europa contemporanea. Una recente pubblicazione sull'Unione Sovietica tra le due guerre (1917-1939)
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Le 'Plutarque des femmes' dans l'Italie du 19. siecle. Nouvelles approches et interprétations présentées par une recherche récente
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Anna Ascenzi, Maila Di Felice, Raffele Tumino (a cura di), 'Santa giovinezza!'. Lettere di Luigi Bertelli e dei suoi corrispondenti (1883-1920), Macerata, Alfabetica Edizioni, 2008, 597 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Roberto Sani, 'Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam'. Istituti religiosi, educazione e scuola nell'Italia moderna e contemporanea, Macerata, Eum, 2009, 382 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Carla Ghizzoni, Simonetta Polenghi (a cura di), L'altra metà della scuola. Educazione e lavoro delle donne tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, SEI, 2008, 334 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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X. Amancio Liñares Giraut (Coord.), El protagonismo de la mujer en las corrientes migratorias españolas, Vigo (Pontevedra-España), Editado por el Grupo España Exterior, 2009, 334 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Gianfranco Tortorelli, Modernità e tradizione. Cesare Ratta e la Scuola di Arte tipografica di Bologna, Bologna, Pendragon, 2009, 110 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Gianfranco Bandini, Paolo Bianchini (a cura di), Fare storia in rete. Fonti e modelli di scrittura digitale per la storia dell'educazione, la storia moderna e la storia contemporanea, Roma, Carocci, 2007, 167 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Giovanni Rinaldi, I treni della felicità. Storie di bambini in viaggio tra due Italie, Roma, Ediesse, 2009, 198 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Vittoriano Caporale, È possibile la scuola serena oggi?, Bari, Cacucci, 2009, 47 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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The International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), 1979-2000
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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CoDiSV - Digital corpus of school children's written work in the Aosta Valley
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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Parte: 1.

Dal Regno di Sardegna al Regno d'Italia. Continuità e discontinuità nelle politiche del libro scolastico - Parte 1.
History of education & children's literature - 2010
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