History of education & children's literature  -  2020

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About a history of periodical press for teachers and schools in a united Italy (1861-1945)
History of education & children's literature - 2020
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The activities of the educators in Russia in the first half of the XVIII Century (the case of the Vyatka Province)
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(Anti)religious propaganda in the Soviet and post-Soviet works of fiction for young readers
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Being a student in the Habsburg monarchy. Introduction
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Una città ancora troppo coloniale. Uno studio sulle scuole di Asmara negli anni '50
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Claiming adolescent spaces: education and power in Austro-Hungarian Bosnia and Hercegovina
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Il conte Leopoldo Armaroli: giurista, politico e studioso dell'esposizione infantile nell'Italia di fine Settecento e inizio Ottocento
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Croatian clerics studying at the Frintaneum Imperial Institute and the University of Vienna 1816 to 1918
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Dolcezza psichiatrica e cura educativa in Adelmo Sichel
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Education and propaganda in the 'Patriotic Postcards' distributed by the Lombard Committee of the General Union of Italian Teachers during WWI
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Education interrupted: reasons why clerics in Bosna Srebrena discontinued their studies
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L'educazione degli italiani. Riflessioni su un recente contributo di Giorgio Chiosso
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The everyday life of cadets at the Wiener Neustadt Military Academy, as portrayed in the paintings of Bernhard Albrecht (1785-1793)
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Le forme della memoria scolastica: interventi nazionali e prospettive internazionali. A proposito del secondo seminario PRIN
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Forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo nella letteratura per l'infanzia. A proposito di una recente pubblicazione
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Hamiyet Sezer Feyzioglu, Italian missionary schools in the Ottoman Empire since 18. Century
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History of Korean education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
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How to turn female students into good mothers, wives and housewives. The construction of female identity in pedagogical discourses in Croatia in the second half of the19th Century
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Immaginario e realta dei percorsi storico-educativi legati all'infanzia. A proposito di una recente ricerca
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Learning in ginnasio and liceo in Habsburg Milan (1814-1859)
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Mediocre pupils – informative letters? Hungarian nobleman Istvan Dessewffy at Vienna Theresianum in the 1750s
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La memoria e le carte. Gli archivi e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-educativo. A proposito del recente Convegno nazionale di studi di Matera (4-5 ottobre 2019)
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I 'Monumenta Italiae Paedagogica' e la costruzione del canone pedagogico nazionale (1886-1956): una rassegna di studi
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Les organisations de jeunesse fascistes dans l'Italie mussolinienne (1926-1943). L'Opera Nazionale Balilla (O.N.B.) et la Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.). Deuxieme partie
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Periodical press for University professors in Italy between war and post war period (1939-1960)
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The question of sources in historical research on school and educational heritage
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Recenti pubblicazioni in ambito storico educativo. Qualche proposta di lettura
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The reception of the Spanish Civil War in the Italian elementary school during fascism (1936-1943)
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La Renovacion Pedagogica: analisis de dos proyectos educativos para identificar las dificultades y las claves del impacto social
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School in the eyes of Hungarian high nobility. The counts Széchényi (1867 1918)
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Socializing of Slovene students at Austrian universities from the March Revolution to World War I
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Sola praxis format hominem? Ideals and criticism of the system of higher learning in the 18th Century Kingdom of Hungary
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Students from the small country in the big city: Croatians studying in Vienna in the nineteenth Century
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Students' magazines at the beginning of the 20th Century in Zagreb
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The teaching profession in 21Ist Century Spain described through teacher testimonies
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Upbringing and early education in the selected 19th Century Croatian memoirs
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'we do not need educated farmers'. Rural education in Istria 1850-1914
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Young ladies at the piano. The role of music in the upbringing and education of girls in Novi Sad in the Nineteenth Century
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Il 18. secolo e le origini della modernità. A proposito di 'Settecento pedagogico e riformatore' di Roberto Sani
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Adapting fairy tales through an islamic lens: a study of Gilani-Williams' Cinderella: An Islamic Tale
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Adelina Mamaqi: a writer for childhood in 20th century Albania
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L'apartheid educativo nell'Eritrea italiana. Quali scuole per i meticci?
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Bianca Pitzorno in Polish translations
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Celebrations of Italiannes: italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul and schools, between memory and history (1924-1926)
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Cento anni dalla scomparsa di Vamba: contributo per un bilancio storiografico su 'Il Giornalino della Domenica' e per l'individuazione di nuove prospettive di ricerca
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'Debemos considerar al marido como nuestro señor'. El ideal de la perfecta esposa en los teatros de papel de Seix i Barral (1915-1953)
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Dutch-language children's literature in Polish translation: 200 years of relations between the peripheries
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Education in Jesuit boarding schools for nobles in Polock (1772-1820)
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Entrance examinations in the 1920s: correspondence schools decline the invitation
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L'evoluzione del fenomeno migratorio in Europa e le indicazioni delle istituzioni europee in merito all'educazione e all'istruzione dei figli dei lavoratori immigrati. Una rilettura storica
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Female bildungsroman in Czech conduct periodicals: the inception of the genre
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The Filmstrip. History and evolution of an educational tool
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From outside the Iron Curtain: censorship and translations of Western children's and young-adult literature in people's Poland under Stalinism (1948-1956)
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Garibaldi narrato e celebrato nelle scuole elementari nel primo centenario della nascita (1907). Il caso di Milano
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Un grande affresco della vicenda pedagogica ed educativa italiana tra Otto e Novecento. A proposito di un recente saggio di Giorgio Chiosso
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Historical perspective of material school culture: theoretical and methodological possibilities
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The historical research into school practice. Presentation
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Illustrated gallery of animals: figurative ABCs and the literacy process (France and Brazil, 19th and 20th centuries)
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Is more always better? Translations of Italian children's literature in Poland after 2000. Selected aspects
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L'istruzione difende la libertà. Riflessioni sui percorsi educativi delle donne in Albania tra 19. e 20. secolo
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Learning in the Zibaldone by Leopardi
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La letteratura italiana per l'infanzia in Polonia (1945-1989): traduzioni di classici e nuovi successi
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Male and female teachers between real and ideal. The literary-historical representation of three novels by De Amicis
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Marcus Tullius Cicero's concept of education through culture
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Marxismo e femminismo: una questione educativa?
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Mons. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini and italian emigration in Brazil: pastoral care, education and national identity (1888- 1905)
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Myrtle Shannon v. Herbert King: power, privilege & silence
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National anthems: voices of the past and feelings of the present
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A new source for the study of educational practices: competitive exams for school headteacher positions (Spain, 20th century)
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One hundred years of illustrated books for children in Poland: an analysis of the publishing market in the years 1918-2018
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The past and the present: a historical outline of Polish research into translations of children’s and young adult literature. Introduction
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Prácticas útiles para ensenar hoy a leer contenidas en una cartilla hispanoamericana del siglo 19.
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Private religious schools for boys in the Spanish post Civil War period: an analysis through triangulating historical sources
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Professional press for teachers as a source to study schooling practice: 'El Magisterio Balear' (1873-1916)
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Professors' obituaries. A valuable source for studying the history of university and higher education
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Reflections on children's adaptation of British literary classic
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The representation of school on NO-DO: visions of school practice on Francoist newsreels
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School photographs: studying the history of a school institution and educational practices based on images
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School textbooks, didactic material and a new approach in music teaching in Catalonia with the opening of the school of musical pedagogy – Ireneu Segarra method
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School writings as sources for the study of teaching practices: the Italian case (1925-1945)
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La 'scuola attiva' a Mogliano. Riflessione pedagogica e pratica didattica nell’attività magistrale di Giovanni Lucaroni (1934-1956)
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Scuola, memoria, storia. A proposito di un recente volume
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The selection of elites during the italian fascist period: from Gentile's idealism to Bottai's eugenics
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Some considerations on comparative studies of Chinese children's literature and foreign children's literature
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Teaching history of art in European universities and high schools in the light of a 1914 investigation
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Teaching material catalogues as a source for studying educational practice in natural science in Spain (1882-1936)
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Universita, ideologie e potere. La comunità di discorso universitaria del primo franchismo
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Yearbooks as a source in researching school practices in private religious schools
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