History of education & children's literature  -  2019

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Agustin Escolano Benito, Emociones & Educacion. La construccion de la educacio emocional, Berlanga de Duero, Vision Libros-CEINCE, 2018, 246 pp. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2019
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L''Archivio Mario Alighiero Manacorda': una recente acquisizione del Museo della Scuola e dell'Educazione 'Mauro Laeng'
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The Beckwith school-museums as a place of memory
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Beyond the initial aim of literary adaptation for children: stylistic and narrative changes and their 'Byproducts' in the Penguin readers edition of Gulliver's Travels
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Brief history of Slovak children's literature until 1960
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Changes in and challenges of the secondary teacher training system in Budapest during the Great War and the period immediately following it
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El concepto curricular de 'consumo' durante el tardofranquismo y la transicion democratica en Espana (1969-1982)
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Cultura materiale della scuola e scolarizzazione
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The cultural poetics of anthropomorphism: rereading a chinese fable
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Different schools as places of memory : the case of Cooperativa A Torre (1970-present days)
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Educational-and-cultural processes in Ukraine in XVIIth Century: european tendencies
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L'educazione delle donne nell'Italia post-unitaria. Una autorevole discussione a più voci della fine degli anni Ottanta
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'Estudiosa juventud! Elevad vuestra mente scia la nobleza del arte!'. The tradition of the artistic education in Chile in the Speech from Alessandro Ciccarelli (19th century)
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Field trips and other teaching resources in natural and social sciences: educational implications from past experiences in Spanish primary schools
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Forging a new homeland: the unique experience of brizoletas in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil in the second half of the 20th century
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Funeral memories as a form of promotion of the value system and contributions of important protagonists in the area of development of education in Montenegro
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Giuseppe Bottai et l'Universite italienne: un projet de reforme de audacieux
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The invention of the Common School tradition. Early American educational historiography and the building of a long-standing narrative
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The invention of the educational tradition in religious Madrid elite schools : identity and distinction of the private school culture during Franco's dictatorship
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The invention of tradition in the Italian University during the Fascist period (1922-1943)
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'Lenin has studied here': a case study of the invention of the Soviet University 'revolutionary' myth
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Medals and diplomas of merit for teachers : the Premio Bottero award in Turin (1891-1918)
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Memories and public celebrations of education in contemporary times : presentation
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Mirella D'Ascenzo, Per una storia delle scuole all'aperto in Italia, Pisa, ETS, 2018, pp.291 [Recensione]
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'Non-places' of school memory : first reflections on the forgotten places of education as generators of collective school memory : between Oral history, Public history and Digital history
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The normal school of Piracicaba as a memory place of the republican regime in Brazil
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Nuove piste di ricerca per la storia della letteratura per l'infanzia: a proposito di un recente volume
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Les organisations de jeunesse fascistes dans l'Italie mussolinienne (1926-1943). L'Opera Nazionale Balilla (O.N.B.) et la Gioventù Italiana del Littorio (G.I.L.). Premiere partie
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Patrimonio storico educativo in vetrina. Appunti su una recente mostra sulle scuole all'aperto tra passato e futuro
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Politics of collective memory in education : Atatürk corners in Turkish schools
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The politics of immortality: the funeral of an education minister and teacher unionist
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Qualche segnalazione sull'attuale produzione storico-educativa
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Remembering teachers and headmasters. Funeral memories as source in history of education between nation building and collective memory
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Renewing the ties of one century of history : an experiment of citizen history on the occasion of the Centenary of the Fortuzzi school
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'Ricambiare l'amore che portano all'educazione'. Public memory and awards of honour of public education in Italy from the Unification to the end of the 19th Century (1861-1898)
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Sabine Reh, Denise Wilde (Hrsg.), Die MaterialitAt des Schreiben-und Lesenlernens. Zur Geschichte schulischer Unterwei sungspraktiken seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts, Bad Heilbrunn, Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2016, 325 pp. [Recensione]
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School archives: a resource for historical-educational research and schools
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The School Museum as a tool for building a bridge between the national and European cultural heritage in Vojvodina: a case study of the Serbian Orthodox Gymnasium in Novi Sad (1810-1918)
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La scuola elementare italiana e il Sessantotto. Alcune riflessioni storiografiche
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Il secolo dei trovatelli e il brefotrofio di Osimo. Un modello di istituto assistenziale tra fede e diplomazia nelle Marche dell'Ottocento
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The 'Sites of School Memory' in Italy between memory and oblivion: a first approach
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A stone on the wall : collective and public memory of an eclectic primary school teacher
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Syrian protestant college in American missionary archives (1887-1902)
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There is no story without its heroes. Ten women and the right to vote in Italy in 1906
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'Transformando el jardín en escuela'. Las escrituras expuestas en las Escuelas del Ave-Maria del Padre Manjon
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Un tratado de educacion cosmopolita: las Cartas de Lord Chesterfield a su hijo
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Antonio Gramsci e John Dewey in dialogo. Affinità e differenze nella teoria dell'educazione
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Between religion and nation: Italica Gens and the development of ethnical schools and Italian language in Southern Brazil in the early 20th century (1910-1930)
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Catholicism, education and emigration: the Spiritual Guide of the Italian emigrant in America [Guida spirituale per l'emigrato italiano nella America] by the Scalabrinian priest Pietro Colbacchini
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Childhood, school and education in Italian settlements under the auspices of the Scalabrinian Missionaries, located in the state of Paraná, Brazil
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Civic-patriotic celebrations in Brazilian schools. History and memory of the Gymnasio Mineiro de Uberlandia in Minas Gerais, Brazil (1930-1950)
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A 'civilizing mission' between quills, inks, and types: Italian immigrants and 'La Tribuna' newspaper (Florianópolis/SC - 1932)
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Editoria e letture per i soldati nel primo Novecento. A proposito di una recente ricerca
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Educacion y literatura en el tardofranquismo y la transicion democratica espanola. La ensenanza de la literatura en una sociedad tecnificada (1970-1982)
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'Et Après?' - The 1970s philosophical fallout from May '68 and its contemporary significance
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Ethnical catholic press in the RS Italian colonial regional: clashes and consensus on behalf of education (1898-1927)
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Ex cathedra. Lodovico Mortara, l'emancipazione femminile e la legge sulla capacità giuridica della donna
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La experiencia estudiantil universitaria en los largos 60s y el estallido del '69 argentino. Emergencia juvenil y biografías femeninas
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The formation of resistance culture in Greece and the history null curriculum: a preliminary account
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Formazione dell'uomo e teoria della personalità in Antonio Gramsci
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Le forme della memoria scolastica. A proposito del primo seminario nazionale PRIN
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From popular culture to social transformation: student youth, peasants and the Base Education Movement (MEB) in the 1960s
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Graphic and cultural press as school's place of memory. 'Céltiga' (Buenos Aires) and 'La Esfera' (Madrid) as contrasting examples in the early 20th century
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Una historiografia en constante evolucion. Nuevos itinerarios y perspectivas de investigacion en el campo de la historia de la educacion
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History of education and migrations: crossed (or connected or entangled) histories between local and transnational perspective. A research 'agenda'
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The house and the forest in the fairy tales as educational spaces. The case of the picture book C'era una volta una bambina
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Humboldt and the written word: on the media conditions for bildung
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Hygiene education and museums: experiments and suggestions from a school museum
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Illegal confessional education of university students in the secret church in Slovakia in the 1960s
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Informing and educating for Italianess on the pages of 'Stella d'Italia' (Porto Alegre/RS, 1902-1908)
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Italians in the cities of Rio Grande do Sul: social networks and ethnic associationism (1870-1914)
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Journals for italian young people abroad during the Fascist Twenty Years: from 'Aquilotti d'Italia' (1928-1930) to 'Il Tamburino della gioventù italiana all'estero' (1931-1943)
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'libriccini, tutto l'amore che nutro per l'infanzia'. Syllabaries written and printed in Brazil to the Italian ethnic schools (1906-1907)
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Life reform and talent care in Tarhos. The failure of a promising Hungarian school experiment in the early 1950s
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'Meeting Spain' and lessons the Soviet front-line generation learned from the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War
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Migrant otherness: social representations, historical courses, educational patterns
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Mobilization of sources for preservation of school culture: an experience in the history of Mathematics education in Brazil
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The MuSEd of Roma Tre between past and present. With unpublished writings by Giuseppe Lombardo Radice and Mauro Laeng
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Nicolò Rezzara e le battaglie scolastiche dei cattolici italiani tra Otto e Novecento
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On May '68 in Spain: student youth and the autonomous universities
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The ordinary and the extreme: Second World War in young adult fiction set in Asia
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Orphaned and abandoned children in the city of Sao Paulo: the crucial understanding to create the Scalabrinian orphanage
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Other social actors involved in Brazil's 'Long '68' in the midst of the violence. Public-sphere representations of the Catholic Church's discourse and actions in solidarity with student agitators
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Para una lectura de Heidi, de Johanna Spyri
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'Passons aux barbares'. Antoine-Frédéric Ozanam, Catholicism and challenges of a modern industrial society in France in the first half of the nineteenth century
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Preparatory courses addressed to 'special' teachers for training Italian migrants in the early twentieth century
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Schooling of italian immigrants in Porto Alegre/RS (1928-1938)
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La 'scuola serena' a Mogliano. Riflessione pedagogica e pratica didattica nell'attività magistrale di Giovanni Lucaroni (1923-1934)
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Scuole italiane all'estero: a study on reading books circulating in Italian ethnical schools in Brazil (Late 19th and early 20th Century)
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Student movements of the 'long 1960s'. Steps towards the cultural revolution, social change and political transformation
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Student protest and the 'Legitimation Crisis' in Israel 1965-1977
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Sunday school as a non-traditional educational establishment for children and adults: the history of the issue
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Teaching turkish to Germans in 1910s in Istanbul and Berlin: Bolland's Book Turkisches Lesebuch für Deutsche
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'They are the force for change in today's world and they will lead tomorrow's'. The United States and Spanish students in the context of global '68
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Women should remain very womanly: female university students and work in Spain in 1968
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