History of education & children's literature  -  2018

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L'altra educazione. A proposito di un recente volume di Massimo Baldacci
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Antonia Criscenti Grassi (a cura di), A proposito dell'History Manifesto. Nuove tendenze per la ricerca storico-educativa, Palermo, Edizioni della Fondazione Nazionale Vito Fazio-Allmayer, 2016, 219 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Appropriating Robinson Crusoe to be a good boy: literary adaptation in the new Robinson Crusoe at the end of the 18th century
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Associazionismo giovanile cattolico nell'Italia degli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. A proposito di Gioventù Studentesca. Storia di un movimento cattolico dalla ricostruzione alla contestazione di Marta Busani
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Baltasar Gracián (1601-1658), predecessor of lifelong education and arbiter of good taste
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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The black child: 'racist' depictions in dutch secondary school history textbooks (1968-2017)
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Carlota Boto, A liturgia escolar na idade moderna, Campinas-Sao Paulo, Papirus Editora, 2017, 319 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Cristiano Casalini, Claude Pavur S.J., Jesuit Pedagogy, 1540-1616. A Reader, Chestnut Hill (MA), The Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2016, 346 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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The dumb child: contribution to the study of the iconogenesis of the dunce cap
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Edmondo De Amicis fra letteratura e società. A proposito di una recente e importante pubblicazione francese
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Le emozioni hanno una storia? Ipotesi e nuovi percorsi degli studi storico-educativi
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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The figure of the nurse in classical theatre from an educational perspective
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Francesco Sacchini, Exhortacion y Preceptiva para los maestros de las escuelas inferiores de la Compania de Jesus, Traduccion, introduccion, edicion y notas de Alejandro Martinez Sobrino y Javier Laspalas Perez, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, 2017, LXX, 537 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Gabriele Ventura, Mirella D'Ascenzo (a cura di), Dalla parte delle maestre. La stagione pedagogica di Virginia Predieri (1931-2009), Lecce-Brescia, Pensa MultiMedia, 2016, 248 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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The healthy child: photography and the promotion of health awareness in schools in Barcelona (1909-1933)
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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History of radio broadcasting for schools in the Czechoslovak Republic
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A history of the periodical press for children in Italy during the 19th century. Part One
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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Images of the European Child. Presentation
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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The imagined child: visualising cowie youngsters, signs of life and learning in images of children from a fishing community of northeast Scotland, ca. 1870
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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L'istruzione tecnica e professionale nell'Italia dell'Ottocento
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Johann Funger's pedagogy in the context of northern humanism
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Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky: the founder of scientific pedagogy in the 19th century Russia
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Krause's influence in school architecture: the case of Spanish pedagogy in the 19th century
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Leibniz und Peter I: ein Bildungsprojekt zu Beginn des Aufklarungszeitalters
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The literary child: childhood and literary iconography between the 19th and 20th centuries
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Luigiaurelio Pomante, Giuseppe Bottai e il rinnovamento fascista dell'Università italiana (1936-1942), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2018, 133 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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I necrologi dei maestri elementari italiani: da Spoon River a fonti inedite per la storia della scuola e dell'educazione
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Il Novecento: il secolo del bambino? Riflessioni storiografiche
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The painting child: childhood as painted by children themselves (15th-20th centuries)
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Il patrimonio storico-educativo tra ricerca e didattica della storia. A proposito di un importante seminario di studi
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The progressive child: images of new education in the New Era (1920-1939)
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A reflection on current research on picture books and visual/verbal texts for young
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The restrained child: imaging the regulation of children's behaviour and emotions in Early Modern Europe, The Dutch Golden age
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The school child: two images of a pedagogical model in Madrid, 1960s
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Scientific publication for children and young people during the 19th century in Italy: from Antonio Stoppani to Luigi Bertelli/Vamba
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'Seeing Like a State?' Innovative approaches to the history of education in Russia presented at the International conference at the Indiana University Europe Gateway at CIEE Global Institute (Berlin, 14-15 October 2017)
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Teaching reality based tasks in Hungarian schools based on some national traditions
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The totalitarian child: the image of childhood in the fascist school notebooks (1922-1943)
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Tra produzione industriale e alfabetizzazione diffusa: nuovi approdi per la storia della cultura materiale della scuola
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The undisciplined child: the image of the rebellious childhood in an age of educational disciplining (1809-1840)
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The war child: childhood as it appears in photographs in publications for Republican combatants during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
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Aprender en clave de genero. El ideal de feminidad en la formacion de maestras durante el franquism
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Cataloghi commerciali dei materiali scolastici e collezioni storiche dei sussidi didattici. Nuove fonti per la storia dell'industria per la scuola in Italia (1870-1922)
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Children's and youth literature in scientific journals: analysis and characterization using WoS and Scopus databases (1985-2017)
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Educazione e scuola nell'opera di Geremia Bonomelli
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The 'emulators' of Samuel Smiles: Self-Help literature in Italy during the 19th Century
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A Fairy tale (r)evolution: the value and the critical reading of fairy tales in the contemporary educational context
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Foreign schools in Thessaloniki from the perspective of the Ottoman State (1850-1912)
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Francoist censorship and its influence on magazines and comics for female children and teenagers (1938-1977)
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'From the bricks to the memory tree': interlocutions between school architecture and historical-educational heritage. Porto Alegre/RS (1919-2016)
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Historias do Tio Damião (1942-1951), by Lourenço Filho: an interpretation of Brazil through children's literature
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Historical development of Islamic integrated education in Malaysia since 15th Century: current needs for the globalized world
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A history of the periodical press for children in Italy during the 19th Century. Part Two
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International Bibliography of History of Education and Children's Literature (2017)
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Montessori Pedagogy, an educational alternative, from Romania. Evolution from the beginning of the 20th century until the Second World War contribution
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Per una storia dell'esperienza magistrale in Italia tra Otto e Novecento: il caso della maestra elementare marchigiana Maria Riccini (1892-1975) tra nuove fonti e nuove metodologie di indagine
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Platero y yo, Libro para la infancia y las escuelas? : un estudio histórico-cultural sobre la representación pedagógica de la obra literaria
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Preparatory classes as a form of preschool education in Ukraine during the Soviet Period (the 1920s-1980s): the main stages of their development
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La radio per ragazzi nei primi anni del fascismo (1925-1933)
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A reflection on Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature
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Rinnovamento storiografico e passione civile nella proposta di Carlo Guido Mor di istituire un 'Centro Nazionale sulla storia della scuola in Italia' (1940-1942)
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Schoolbook as an instrument of in-group cohesion and social integration: various strategies of intergenerational cultural transmission in the Latvian and the Polish primers and textbooks of Russian emigration in 1920s
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Spells and the microscope. Picture books about fairies: fantasy, science and children's literature
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Gli studi sul patrimonio storico-educativo in Spagna e in Italia. Due realtà a confronto
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Time, age, and length of stay in school: a study based on registration books (Brazil, 1895-1919)
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'Youth was never this united'? Manifestations of social injustices within the Hitler-Jugend and ways of systemizing those
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