History of education & children's literature  -  2016

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About 'Space and Place in Children's Literature, 1789 to the Present'
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Anna Ascenzi, Drammi privati e pubbliche virtù. La maestra italiana dell'Ottocento tra narrazione letteraria e cronaca giornalistica, Macerata, eum, 2012, 391 p. [Recensione]
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Aprender a escribir para aprender a militar. Analisis de 18 dictados producidos por las Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas
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Between History and Historiography
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Bilingual education and language-of-education policy in Hungary in the 20th Century (1918-2008)
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Building a better society through textbook research. The mission of the Georg Eckert Institute from the beginning up to the present day
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Carla Ghizzoni, Scuola e lavoro a Milano fra Unità e fascismo. Le civiche Scuole serali e festive superiore (1861-1926), Lecce, Brescia, Pensa Miltimedia, 2014, 225 p. [Recensione]
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Carlo G. Lacaita, Enzo R. Laforgia (edd.), Luigi Ambrosoli e la storia d'Italia, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2012, 192 p. [Recensione]
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Children travelled to India too
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The contribution of 'History of Education & Children's Literature' (HECL) to a recent international workshop on the scientific journals of history of education
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Discurso leído en la investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Lisboa (Lisboa, 23 de abril de 2015)
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Dorena Caroli, Per una storia dell'asilo nido in Europa tra Otto e Novecento, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014, 380 p. [Recensione]
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Education in international congresses (late nineteenth century to early twentieth century)
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Emilio Salgari conteso e rifiutato
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Emma Gasperi (a cura di), L'educatore, l'invecchiamento attivo e la solidarietà tra le generazioni, Lecce-Brescia, Pensamultimedia, 2013, 209 p. [Recensione]
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Fabio Targhetta, 'Signor Maestro Onorandissimo'. Imparare a scrivere lettere nella scuola italiana tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, Societa editrice internazionale, 2013, 195 p. [Recensione]
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Flores Reggiani, Sotto le ali della colomba. Famiglie assistenziali e relazioni di genere a Milano dall'Età moderna alla restaurazione, Roma, Viella, 2014, p. 384 [Recensione]
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Florindo Palladino, Scuola e società nel Meridione preunitario. Istruzione secondaria e formazione delle élites dirigenti in Molise (1806-1848), Macerata, eum, 2015, 390 p. [Recensione]
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Fotografía y construcción de la memoria escolar
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Gabriella D'Aprile, Adolphe Ferrière e les oubliés della scuola attiva in Italia, Pisa, ETS, 2010, 268 p. [Recensione]
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Gianfranco Tortorelli, Storia di un tipografo-editore. La Galeati dal 1824 al secondo dopoguerra, Bologna, Pendragon, 2015, 271 p. [Recensione]
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Giorgio Chiosso, La pedagogia contemporanea, Brescia, La Scuola, 2015, 268 p. [Recensione]
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Giovanni Marchesini e la crisi del positivismo pedagogico italiano
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Giovenale Dotta, Leonardo Murialdo. Infanzia, giovinezza e primi ministeri sacerdotali (1828-1866), Roma, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2011, 347 p. ; Giovenale Dotta, Leonardo Murialdo. L'apostolato educativo e sociale (1866-1900), Roma, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2015, 486 p. [Recensione]
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Giuseppe Bertagna (a cura di), Il pedagogista Rousseau. Tra metafisica, etica e politica, Brescia, Editrice La Scuola, 2014, 320 p. [Recensione]
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Hervé A. Cavallera (a cura di), La ricerca storico-educativa oggi. Un confronto di metodi, modelli e programmi di ricerca, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa MultiMedia, 2013, 2 v., 496-656 p. [Recensione]
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History and Educational Argument. History, Education and History of Education in the Crisis of the First Modernity
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In search of children's literature in Russia and the Soviet Union: a critical note to Ben Hellman's volume
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José Luis Hernández Huerta, Antonella Cagnolati, Alfonso Diestro Fernández (edd.), Connecting History of Education. Scientific Journals as International Tools for a Global World, Salamanca, Fahren-House, 2015, 212 p. [Recensione]
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Juvenile Justice Measures in Italy: the creation and development of Communities for Minors
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Libri per diventare italiani
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Luciana Bellatalla, Giovanni Genovesi, La Grande Guerra. L'educazione in trappola, Ariccia, Aracne, 2015, 271 p.; Marnie Campagnaro, La Grande Guerra raccontata ai ragazzi, con saggi di Davide Boero, Ilaria Filograsso, Walter Fochesato e illustrazioni di Federico Maggioni, Roma, Donzelli, 2015, 201 p. [Recensione]
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Luigiaurelio Pomante, 'Fiducia nell'uomo e nell'intelligenza umana'. La Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana (F.U.C.I.) dalle origini al '68, Macerata, eum, 2015, 406 p. [Recensione]
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Luigiaurelio Pomante, Per una storia delle università minori nell'Italia contemporanea. Il caso dello Studium Generale Maceratense tra Otto e Novecento, Macerata, eum, 2013, 451 p. [Recensione]
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Mario Gecchele, Momenti di storia dell'istruzione in Italia, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa Multimedia, 2014, 441 p. [Recensione]
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Michela D'Alessio, A scuola fra casa e patria. Dialetto e cultura regionale nei libri di testo durante il fascismo, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa MultiMedia, 2014, 270 p. [Recensione]
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Mirella D'Ascenzo, Col libro in mano. Maestri, editoria e vita scolastica tra Otto e Novecento, Torino, Società editrice internazionale, 2013, 234 p. [Recensione]
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O Mural do Tempo: Manuais Escolares em Portugal
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Nelly Valsangiacomo, Marco Marcacci (a cura di), Per tutti e per ciascuno. La scuola pubblica nel cantone Ticino dall'Ottocento ai giorni nostri, Locarno, A. Dadò, 2015, 343 p. [Recensione]
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Non-Formal Education in Ukraine in early 20th Century: aspiring for better life or learning to live in crisis?
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Il nostro tempo 'non ammette una ordinaria amministrazione'. L'arcivescovo Montini e i fermenti della Chiesa milanese
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On the liminality of the picturebook: the case of mix and match books
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L'opera dell'Associazione nazionale per la fondazione di Asili rurali per l'infanzia di Ottavio Gigli in un recente contributo
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Pastoralità ed educazione. A proposito di una recente ricerca sull'episcopato veronese di Agostino Valier (1565-1606
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El Paulo Freire más actual deshaciendo falacias educativas. Una reflexión crítica sobre los procesos de creación y transmisión del conocimiento
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La recente pubblicazione del Dizionario Biografico dell'Educazione (1800-2000) e un trentennio di ricerche storico-pedagogiche in Italia
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Remo Fornaca (1925-2015)
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The representation of childhood in the discourse on the rights of the child in the twentieth century
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Rethinking the Role of European Colonization on Muslim Educational System in Indian Subcontinent (1757-1947)
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The revolution and the national primer: the Tatar 'Alifba' of the 1920s - early 1930s
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The revolution in school or a school in revolution. About a recent essay
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Schooling system in Galicia at the end of 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries
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Il Simposio internazionale su 'La Memoria Escolar. Nuevas tendencias en la investigación histórico-educativa: perspectivas heurísticas y cuestiones metodológicas' (Siviglia 22-23 settembre 2015)
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Teresa González Pérez (ed.), Reformas educativas y formación de profesores, Madrid, Biblioteca Nueva, 2015, 308 p. [Recensione]
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Teresa González Pérez (ed.), Templos del saber. Discursos políticos y utopías educativas, Madrid, Mercurio Editorial, 2015, 360 p. [Recensione]
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Valeria Miceli, Formare maestre e maestri nell'Italia meridionale, Lecce-Brescia, Pensa MultiMedia, 2013, 380 p. [Recensione]
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Web 2.0, social networks and the history of education in Spain: creating a scientific collaborative space (HistoEdu.net)
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The Xenophon's pedagogy of the care of the self
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Parte: 1

Between rhetoric celebration and social marginalization. The teachers' and headmasters' memory and celebration through the obituaries published in the school and teachers' magazines in the first century after the unification (1861- 1961). Part one
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Accomplishing 'the silent mission of Italian women at war'. The fascist 'pedagogy of war' for women: from the kitchen front to the war garden.
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Assistance and education of mutilated soldiers of World War 1. The Italian case
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Aus der Forschung der Schülermotivation im Muttersprachenunterricht in dem letzten halben Jahrhunderts (In Bezug auf Slowakisch als Muttersprache).
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Banned, Bagged, Bowdlerized: a diachronic analysis of censorship practices in children's literature of Turkey
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Between the recovery of abandoned children and vocational training: the Italian training-ships between the nineteenth and twentieth century
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'Una biografia collettiva degli educatori italiani degli ultimi due secoli'. Note a margine del seminario di studi su educatori e istituzioni scolastiche in Italia: percorsi, bilanci e prospettive d'indagine (Potenza, 26 novembre 2015).
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Children's literature and play. La conferenza internazionale The Child and the Book (Breslavia, 19-21 maggio 2016).
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China and the world: children's literature studies as a discipline and its development
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Il coraggio di dire 'cose nuove'. A proposito di quattro recenti libri
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Cultural and educational role of the Rila Monastery in the history of Bulgaria (10.-19. centuries). A bridge between eras, generations and cultures
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Espacios y patrimonio histórico-educativo / Spaces and historical-educational heritage. Balance, suggestions and perspectives from the 7.Jornadas Científicas of the SEPHE and the 5.Simposio Iberoamericano, Historia, Educación, Patrimonio of the RIDPHE (San Sebastián, June 28 - July 1,2016).
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Fare pedagogia a Trieste (1960-2010)
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From mother to woman. The child's socialization in the Italian kindergarten from the 60s to the 90s. Assistance, citizenship and education
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L'importanza di chiamarsi letteratura. La letteratura per l'infanzia e le tesi di Christopher Booker sull'origine e la funzione delle storie.
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The Influence of ideas of J.F. Herbart and the Herbartianism in Slovenia during the period of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy
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International bibliography of history of education and children's literature (2015).
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'La larga noche de la educación espanola'. Il sistema educativo spagnolo negli anni della dittatura franchista
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Los maestros ortografos en el Siglo de Oro Espanol
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Music as the educational mean in the making of the 'Socialist Man': music education in primary schools of Croatia (1945-1965)
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One hundred years since the birth of Dahl: an International conference on current perspectives of research. Rebel stories and glittering eyes. One hundred years with Roald Dahl (Bologna, Children's Book Fair 2016, April 5th 2016).
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Per un'educazione giovanile europea alla lettura: 'Il premio europeo Città di Caorle' (1962-1968)
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Per una storia del sistema educativo dall'impero ottomano alla Turchia contemporanea.
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Politiche educative nella Nueva Granada e nel Reino de Chile. Caballero y Gongora e Salas y Corbalàn, due intellettuali nel Secolo dei Lumi
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Il rinnovamento dei 'metodi scolastici' nello Stato Pontificio nel carteggio tra Vitale Rosi e Ottavio Gigli (1845-1847)
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Il romanzo d'un maestro di Edmondo De Amicis: le ragioni della sua recente riscoperta.
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'Science and didactics' in school textbooks for secondary school during de-Stalinization in the Soviet Union (1954-1962)
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The Scientific Method in Giuseppe Sergi's Pedagogy
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Seduction and sedition of the 'Table' in the history of children's literature
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The source of truth or path to virtue brochure and the apprehensions about the nineteenth century primary instructions in the Sergipe Province
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The subject of pedagogy at austrian universities and teacher training between 1774 and 1918.
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Teacher training in Spain from late francoism to the beginning of the constitutional monarchy: reforms and challenges
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Los tiempos de la memoria del Instituto para Obreros
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Time and reading.
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Two recent international events on textbook research. The Symposium Education in periods of political transition and the workshop after the war. A new beginning?
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We shall see him as he is: image of God in soviet children's literature of the 1960s
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Parte: 2

Between rhetoric celebration and social marginalization. The teachers' and headmasters' memory and celebration through the obituaries published in the school and teachers' magazines in the first century after the unification (1861-1961). Part Two
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