History of education & children's literature  -  2012

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Approaching war: children's culture and war, 1880-1920. A Leverhulme international project
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Bambini e bambine alle prese con la scrittura: uno sguardo storico sul secolo 20.
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Capturing life on a leaflet: the meaning of children's writings in the Cervantes Graded School of Madrid (1921-1939)
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Il card. Silvio Antoniano tra erudizione, spiritualità e rinnovamento della pedagogia cristiana in un recente lavoro di Elisabetta Patrizi
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Un contributo al riordinamento delle università italiane nel primo dopoguerra. Il progetto di 'federazione' degli atenei marchigiani del rettore Giovanni Gallerani (1919)
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Dall'ABC a Harry Potter e Brave New Worlds. Tavola rotonda sulla Children's Literature (British Council Napoli, 25 febbraio 2012)
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Del garabato y los palotes a la escritura: notas sobre la génesis y el concepto de preescritura
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Educational institutions, curricula and cultural models in the higher education of the nobility and intelligentsia at the turn of the 20. century in Russia
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En busca del 'eslabón perdido'. Algunas reflexiones sobre las escrituras infantiles
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Facebook in the classroom: children's writings in school diaries (1950-1990)
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Fertile Wit. The (unwritten) doctrines of Juan Huarte de San Juan and Chomsky's intuition
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Fry Collection of Italian history and culture. A Review
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Giuseppe Pezzarossa's (1880-1911) gymnastics equipment workshop
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L'insegnamento delle scienze nelle scuole dei Gesuiti polacchi. Fra popolarizzazione e applicazioni pratiche (1740-1773)
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The invention of tradition in the minor Universities of united Italy. The case of the thirteenth-century origins of the Studium Maceratense
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L'istruzione secondaria nell'Italia unita. Note su un recente convegno di studi storici
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'L'orto è il miglior libro in questa scienza'. Giovanni Biroli e l'orto botanico del Liceo Convitto di Novara
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Manuali di aritmetica, algebra, trigonometria e geometria analitica nella Napoli preunitaria
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La memoria escrita de la infancia. Actas del Coloquio Internacional 'Escrituras Infantiles'. The written memory of childhooh. Proceedings of the International Colloquium 'Children's Writings'. Centro Internacional de la Cultura escolar (CEICE), Berlanga de Duero, Soria (España), 6-7 septiembre 2011.
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La mia scuola. Il diario di una maestra dall'Archivio Didattico Lombardo Radice
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Modern pedagogy and the spread of diary writing around 1800
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Los museos pedagógicos y la proyección cívica del patrimonio educativo
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'O partigiano, portami via...'. La rappresentazione della Guerra di Liberazione nei componimenti scritti e nei disegni presentati dalle scuola italiane al Concorso nazionale sulla Resistenza (1965)
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'Per insegnarci con l'opere et con le parole la scienza della vera salute'. Le scuole della dottrina cristiana di Verona al tempo di Agostino Valier
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Pesentacion: La infancia y la escritura
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'Piccole donne crescono'. La letteratura didattico-morale per la gioventù femminile
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La política educativa del franquismo y los estudios de bachillerato. Memoria de un modelo subsidiario
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The preservation of heritage: children's writings and school textbooks research
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Social education or medical care? Divergent views on visiting nurses in Belgium in the interwar years
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Soviet children's writings: school exercise books, letters to the authorities, personal diaries and war memories
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Teetotalism as the core of education at the elementary school teacher training college of Torino, Finland
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'There are no children here' and 'Back to school'. Two exhibitions about children, war and persecution
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'Vi saluto romanamente!'. Self-narration and performance in children's letters to Mussolini
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Academic Institutions and '1968'. An important international study seminar
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Antonio Mencarelli, Scuola e analfabetismo in Umbria nel Novecento, Macerata, Edizioni Simple, 2011, 182 p. [Recensione]
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Biase Zurlo e l'istruzione secondaria in Molise tra Decennio francese e restaurazione dei Borboni (1810-1820)
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Cathy A. Frierson, Semyon S. Vilensky (edd.), Children of the Gulag, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2010, VII-450 p. [Recensione]
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The CEIMES project: recovering the scientific heritage of the historic secondary schools of Madrid
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Century of the Child: Growing by design, 1900-2000
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Children's literature as a 'source' for the history of cultural and educational processes
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'Da unità solitarie, sparute e vacillanti, come sono oggi, a membra vigorose di un corpo vitale'. Il tentativo di fusione degli atenei di Macerata, Camerino e Urbino per la creazione di una 'grande Università Marchigiana' (1946-1948)
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Elisabetta Patrizi, 'Del congiungere le gemme de'gentili con la sapienza de'cristiani'. La biblioteca del card. Silvio Antoniano tra studia humanitatis e cultura ecclesiastica, Firenze, Leo S.Olschki editore, 2011, XIII, 345 p. [Recensione]
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Elisabetta Patrizi, Silvio Antoniano. Un umanista ed educatore nell'età del Rinnovamento cattolico (1540-1603), 3 vol., Macerata, eum 2010, 1463 p., ill. [Recensione]
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Felice Pozzo, Nella giungla di carta: itinerari toscani di Emilio Salgari, Pontedera, Bibliografia e Informazione, 2011, 199 p. [Recensione]
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Giuseppe Allievo e la libertà d'insegnamento
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Giuseppe Caramuscio, Francesco De Paola, Filoi Logoi. Studi in memoria di Ottorino Specchia a vent'anni dalla scomparsa (1990-2010), Galatina, Edipan, 2011, 348 p. [Recensione]
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Hélène Lubienska de Lenval (1895-1972): Montessori et l'audace de l'intuition
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'Help make the world a better place to live in'. Young people as redemptive conscience in Australian books for young adults
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Ilaria Mattioni, Da grande farò la santa. Modelli etici e valori religiosi nella stampa cattolica femminile per l'infanzia e la gioventù (1950-1979), Firenze, Edizioni Nerbini, 2011, 232 p. [Recensione]
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L'immagine dei Savoia nei manuali di 'Storia Patria' per le scuole primarie tra Otto e primo Novecento
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Julio Mateos Montero, Genealogia de un saber escolar: el codigo pedagogico del entorno, Barcelona, Octaedro, 2011, 184 p. [Recensione]
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Leafing primers and readings books. Recent trends in the history of school books in Russia
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Lesen lernen... mehrstrachig! Fibeln und lesebucher aus Europa und Amerika. Katalog zur Ausstellung der Arbeitsgruppe Fibeln [Reading Primers Special Interest Group]der Internationalen Gesellschaft fur historische und systematische Schulbuch forschung im Rahmen der Tagung 'Mehrsprachigkeit und Schulbucj' vom 22. bis 24.9.2011 an der Freien Universitat Bozen in Brixen/Bressanone. Hrrg. Gert Geissler, Wendelin Sroka, Joanna Wojdon, Gesamtleitung und Redaktion Wendelin Sroka, Bonn/Essen im Selbst-verlag, 2011, 86 p. [Recensione]
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Mariella Colin, 'Les enfants de Mussolini'. Littèrature, livres, lectures d'enfance et de jeunesse sous le fascisme. De la Grande Guerre à la chute du régime, Avec un contribution de Pompeo Vagliani 'Le illustrateurs du Ventennio', Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2010, 389 p. [Recensione]
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Mother Nature at the service of the fatherland. Scientific knowledge in primary education reading books during the Franco dictatorship (1939-1959)
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Muslim educational revival in modern Tatarstan in the course of millennial historical development
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One nation, two worlds? Prolegomena to new research on nation-building in Italian schools and the military (1861-1914)
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The pedagogic museums as a toll for historiographical research. A database for analysis through their presence on the Internet
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Primary schools in eighteenth-century Spain: assessment and research perspectives
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'Refining the masses to build the Nation'. National schooling and education in the first four decades post-unification
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I Ricordi al popolo della città et diocese di Verona di Agostino Valier. Un progetto per 'gli stati di vita' tra rinnovamento pastorale ed edificazione della civitas christiana
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School exercise books as a source of the history of education and cultural processes. Towards an on-going assessment of studies conducted in Italy over the last decade
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Siphis Bouzakis (ed.), Panorama Historias tis Ekpaidefsis. Opseis kai Apopseis [Panorma of History of education. Aspects and views]: Istoriografika Revmata, Makres Periodi. Ekpaidefsi ektos Sinoron, Topiki Historia. Tomos A', 774 p.; Panorama Historias Ekpaidefsis. Opseis kai Apopseis. Neohelliniki Ekpaidefsi 1821-2010. Tomos B', 1059 p., Athens, Gutenberg, 2011.
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Società, infanzia e narrazioni realistiche nella letteratura giovanile dell'Italia del secondo dopoguerra (1946-1962)
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La storia del De Sanctis e il progetto di educazione nazionale
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La testimonianza religiosa ed educativa di Don Lorenzo Milani in un recente volume
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Tra educazione e assistenza: la scuola speciale per ragazzi rachitici di Torino
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Training a generation of 'educational virgins'. Il romanzo d'una maestra (1901) by Ida Baccini between autobiography and the relaunch of the 'female teaching vocation'
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El valor de la ètica cìvica o la configuracìon ideologica de una materia curricular. La educaciòn para la ciudadanìa
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Wolfgang Brezinka, Educazione e pedagogia in tempi di cambiamento culturale, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2011, 189 p. [Recensione]
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