History of education & children's literature  -  2011

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Antologie e manuali di letteratura italiana nell'Ottocento. Una riflessione sul canone
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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Aportes para un programa futuro de historia de la educación argentina
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Attila Nóbik, Bèla Pukànszky (eds), Normalität, Abnormalität und Devianz: Gesellschaftliche Konstruktionsprozesse und ihre Umwälzungen in der Moderne. Erziehung in Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 7, Herausgegeben von Johanna Hopfner, Frankfurt am Main..., Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2010, 270 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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Davide Montino, the thinker and the man
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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École et construction de l'identité nationale en Italie, de l'Unification à l'après Première Guerre Mondiale. Le contrôle de l'État sur les manuels scolaires dans une étude récente
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The education of women: 'La voce delle donna' (1865-1867) and the fight for women's rights in post-unitary Italy
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Entrance policies to the Greek universities. From the free entrance in 1837 to the numerus clausus of the students accepted in 1930: an historical-sociological approach
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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The 'Europe of knowledge'. First research notes on training, identity and new citizenship in the process of European integration
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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Giorgio Chiosso, I significati dell'educazione, Milano, Mondadori, 2009, 262 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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Giuseppe Fanciulli negli anni de 'Il Giornalino della Domenica'. Infanzia, giornalismo e politica
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'History of Education & Children's Literature' (Hecl), five years on. An ongoing assessment
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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A 'Homeland Religion' for educating the Italian people. The History manual by Lorenzo Bettini (1882), from didactic innovation to 'sacralisation' of the Risorgimento epic
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'Honest citizens and good Christians'. Don Bosco and Salesian education in the 150-year history of united Italy
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Hygiene, childhood typology and institutionalization of poor children in Brazil (1875-1913)
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Imparare a leggere per diventare lettori: riflessioni di Emilia Formìggini Santamaria da Tolstoj a Prima lettura
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An innovative schoolbook: the selectiores dicendi formulae (1666) of Father Bartolomeo Beverini
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János Géczi, Sajtó, kép, neveléstörténet [Press, Image, History of Education], Iskolakultúra, Veszprèm-Budapest, 2010, 216 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2011
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Leggere, rileggere e riscrivere: pratica quotidiana del testo agiografico
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Luciana Bellatalla, Scuola secondaria. Struttura e saperi, Trento, Erikson, 2010, 214 p. [Recensione]
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'Mezzi di educazione di massa'. Nuove fonti e nuove prospettive di ricerca per una 'storia materiale della scuola' tra 19. e 20. secolo
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The 'Orders of the Day' and the representation of the military by the High Command of the Brazilian Armed Forces
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Die Österreichische Schulreform in der habsburgischen Lombardei
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Per conservare e tramandare la memoria di una grande esperienza formativa alimentata da un'autentica passione civile. La costituzione del Fondo archivistico e librario Luigi e Serena Calvitti dedicato a Vamba, a 'Il Giornalino della Domenica' e all'esperienza della 'Confederazione Giornalinesca'
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Per una storia della formazione magistrale nell'Italia meridionale. Origini e sviluppo della Scuola normale maschile in Molise (1872-1898)
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Piergiovanni Genovesi, Il manuale di storia in Italia. Dal Fascismo alla Repubblica, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009, 159 p. [Recensione]
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La rappresentazione dell'infanzia nelle copertine de 'Il Giornalino della Domenica' (1906-1911). Un itinerario iconografico
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School Exercise Books. A complex source for a history of the approach to schooling and education in the 19. and 20. centuries
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Scrivere 'senza tailleur'. Intervista ad Antonio Faeti
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Una scuola tra mito e realtà. Spontaneismo, metodo didattico e propaganda pedagogica nella scuola di San Gersolè
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'She makes them tingle all over': eroticising the child in twentieth-century Australian picture books
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Tra letteratura, pedagogia e strategie promozionali: il bollettino bibliografico 'Paraviana' (1912-1940)
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Un balcone sulla storia dell'Italia unita. L'archivio storico dell'Istituto Tecnico Pitagora di Taranto (1895-2010)
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Christopher Day, Cosimo Laneve (eds.), Analysis of educational practices. A comparison of research models, Brescia, La scuola, 2011, 247 p. [Recensione]
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Dalla storia dell'editoria alla storia della lettura (e dei lettori). A proposito di una recente pubblicazione
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Doing disability history and the notion of 'limit-experience'
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The downfall, death and transfiguration of an elementary school teacher in Italy at the close of the 1900s. Il Romanzo d'una maestra by Annetta Fusetti, or the triumph of petit bourgeois individualistic morality
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L'educazione morale e religiosa nell'opera di Maria Montessori. Alcuni studi del Laboratorio Montessori di Roma
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'Un'esperienza di istruzione rurale integrale'. David Levi Morenos e le Colonie dei Giovani Lavoratori
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Fabrizio Foni, Alla fiera dei mostri. Racconti pulp, orrori e arcane fantasticherie nelle riviste italiane 1899-1932, Latina, Tunué, 2007, 334 p. [Recensione]
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Formare o informare? L'editoria italiana del Novecento e la sua memoria
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Francesco De Sanctis educatore nazionale: La scienza e la vita come testo programmatico
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From Agostino Gemelli to Adriano Bausola. Notes on a monumental History of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
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The history of school manuals and textbooks in Italy. An evaluation and new research prospectives
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Iconographic examination of the photos in journal 'Tanitó' ('Teacher')
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La letteratura per l'infanzia tra fine Ottocento e Grande Guerra: un terreno di contesa o di conciliazione tra laici e cattolici?
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Libri per fanciulli e giovinetti nella Milano della Restaurazione
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Mario Gecchele, Paola Dal Toso (a cura di), Educazione democratica per una pace giusta, Roma, Armando, 2010. 191 p. [Recensione]
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Mirella D'Ascenzo, Alberto Calderara. Microstoria di una professione docente tra Otto e Novecento, Bologna, Cooperativa Libraria Universitaria Editrice Bologna (Clueb), 2011, 195 p. [Recensione]
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The museum as a representation space of popular culture and educational memory
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The nationality references of the Hungarian education policy in the period of dualism of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy
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Paolo Bianchini (a cura di), Le origini delle materie. Discipline, programmi e manuali scolastici in Italia, Torino, Sei, 2010, 257 p. [Recensione]
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Portrayal of 20th-century European totalitarian regimes in Spanish secondary education textbooks
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'Ricordi fotografici giornalinischi'. Vamba e la promozione della fotografia ne 'Il Giornalisno della Domenica'
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School museums as tools to develop the social and civic competencies of European citizens. First research notes
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Scientific, educational and pleasure reading for young Italian soldiers: 1900-1920
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Le scuole serali e festive superiori del Comune di Milano fra socialismo e avvento del fascismo
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The Service group for youth literature in the Salesian University of Rome. From the cultural impulse of volunteers' association, a shared heritage comes to life
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State, church and school in Italy from 1861 to 1870
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The story of school exercise books. A look at the development of school exercise books in Slovenia from the mid-19th century onwards
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Universities and Italian Unification (1848-1870. The results of an important conference in Pavia
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