Modern Italy  -  2018

Risultato della ricerca: (44 titoli )

Femminicidio and the emergence of a 'community of sense' in contemporary Italy
Modern Italy - 2018
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From immigrants to emigrants: Salesian education and the failed integration of Italians in Egypt, 1937-1960
Modern Italy - 2018
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Italian modernities: competing narratives of nationhood, by Rosario Forlenza and Bjørn Thomassen [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Italy on Fifth Ave: from the Museum of modern Art to the Olivetti showroom
Modern Italy - 2018
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Objects in Italian life and culture: fiction, migration, and artificiality, by Paolo Bartoloni [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Paradoxes of the self: the autobiographical construction of the subject in the Italian Communist Party and in Italian neo-feminism
Modern Italy - 2018
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Primo Levi and the identity of a survivor, by Nancy Harrowitz [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Pursuing defragmentation at the municipal level: signs of a changing pattern?
Modern Italy - 2018
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Radio Londra 1943-1945: Italian society at the microphones of the BBC
Modern Italy - 2018
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Undisciplined, selfish big babies? The cultural framing of the Italian financial crisis
Modern Italy - 2018
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1977. Quando il femminismo entrò in TV, by Loredana Cornero [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Between a curse and a resource: the meanings of women's racialised sexuality in contemporary Italy
Modern Italy - 2018
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Claretta: Mussolini's last lover, by Richard Bosworth [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Italy's other women: gender and prostitution in Italian cinema, 1940–1965, by Danielle Hipkins [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Je ne suis pas Catherine Deneuve. Reflections on contemporary debates about sexual self-determination in Italy
Modern Italy - 2018
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Late nineteenth-century Italy in Africa. The Livraghi affair and the waning of civilizing aspirations, by Stephen Bruner [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Maternal relations, feminism and surrogate motherhood in the Italian context
Modern Italy - 2018
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'The pictures I really dislike are those where the girls are naked!'. Postfeminist norms of female sexual embodiment in contemporary Italian digital culture
Modern Italy - 2018
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Sexuality and power in contemporary Italy: subjectivities between gender norms, agency and social transformation. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2018
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Special Issue: Sexuality and power in contemporary Italy: subjectivities between gender norms, agency and social transformation
Modern Italy - 2018
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(Trans)gender citizenship in Italy: a contradiction in terms? From the parliamentary debate about Law 164/1982 to the present
Modern Italy - 2018
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Veline, ordinary women and male savages: disentangling racism and heteronormativity in contemporary narratives on sexual freedom
Modern Italy - 2018
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Visual infrapolitics: gender performance in the Italian entertainment industry, between secret visuality and postfeminist resistance
Modern Italy - 2018
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The British Institute of Florence and the British Council in Fascist Italy: from Harold E. Goad to Ian G. Greenlees, 1922–1940
Modern Italy - 2018
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Cultural memory against institutionalised amnesia: the Togliatti amnesty and Antonioni's I vinti
Modern Italy - 2018
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'The fiery circle of temptation: opt, opt': why a minority of Italian Military Internees chose to cooperate with the Nazi-Fascists
Modern Italy - 2018
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Fighting nuclear proliferation through education. The remarkable story of ISODARCO
Modern Italy - 2018
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Funerals of mafia victims, 1963-2012: the construction of a new civil religion
Modern Italy - 2018
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A life of resistance: Ada Prospero Marchesini Gobetti (1902-1968), by Jomarie Alano [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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The Movimento Autonomista Bergamasco and the Lega Nord: continuities and discontinuities
Modern Italy - 2018
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Storia di Siena. Dal Risorgimento al Miracolo Economico, by Antonio Cardini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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The trader perspective: researching extortion in Palermo
Modern Italy - 2018
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Architecture, death and nationhood: monumental cemeteries of nineteenth-century Italy, by Hannah Malone [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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'Books written by the so-called colonials or half-bloods': Italian publishers' reception of novels by the Windrush writers in the 1950s and 1960s
Modern Italy - 2018
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The invisibility of racism: on the reception of Giovanni Vento's Il Nero and Antonio Campobasso's Nero di Puglia, 1967-1982
Modern Italy - 2018
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Nation, 'race', and racisms in twentieth-century Italy. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2018
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The politics of everyday life in fascist Italy: outside the State? edited by Joshua Arthurs, Michael Ebner and Kate Ferris [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Race and faith: the Catholic Church, clerical Fascism, and the shaping of Italian anti-semitism and racism
Modern Italy - 2018
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Razza cagna: mondo movies, the white heterosexual male gaze, and the 1960s–1970s imaginary of the nation
Modern Italy - 2018
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Religion, race, and the nation in La Tradotta del Fronte Giulio, 1942–1943
Modern Italy - 2018
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Scrivere d'amore. Lettere di uomini e donne tra Cinque e Novecento, edited by Manola Ida Venzo [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2018
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Special Issue: Nation, 'race', and racisms in twentieth-century Italy
Modern Italy - 2018
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That latent sense of otherness: old and new anti-semitisms in postwar Italy
Modern Italy - 2018
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Within and outside the nation: former colonial subjects in post-war Italy
Modern Italy - 2018
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Le Biblioteche aderenti
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Università degli studi 'Federico II' [Napoli] : Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche – Biblioteca G. Palomba
Via Cinthia, 45
80126 - Napoli