Modern Italy  -  2013

Risultato della ricerca: (53 titoli )

Amici fragili: the alliance between the Lega Nord and the Popolo della Libertà as seen by their representatives and members
Modern Italy - 2013
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The creation of shared space and the definition of a 'light' community in Italian television in the 1980s
Modern Italy - 2013
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The economy of liberal Italy: a roundtable discussion with Brian A'Hearn, Nick Carter, Giovanni Federico and Vera Zamagni on Stefano Fenoaltea's The reinterpretation of Italian economic history: from Unification to the Great War
Modern Italy - 2013
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La Grande Guerra nel Ravennate (1915–1918), edited by Alessandro Luparini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Italian Jews from emancipation to the racial laws, by Cristina M. Bettin - The Italian Jews of Italy 1848-1915: between tradition and transformation, by Elizabeth Schächter [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Italy and the European Union, by Federiga Bindi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Material nation: a consumer's history of modern Italy, by Emanuela Scarpellini, translated by Daphne Hughes and Andrew Newton [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Memories and silences haunted by Fascism: Italian colonialism 1930-1960, by Daniela Baratieri [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Performing post-migration cinema in Italy: Corazones de Mujer by K. Kosoof
Modern Italy - 2013
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Political leadership, parties and citizens: the personalisation of leadership, edited by Jean Blondel and Jean-Louis Thièbault with Katarzyna Czernicka, Takashi Inoguchi, Ukrist Pathmanand and Fulvio Venturino [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Popular Italian cinema, the media, and the economic miracle: rethinking commedia all'italiana
Modern Italy - 2013
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Primo Levi and humanism after Auschwitz: posthumanist reflections, by Jonathan Druker [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Relazioni mafiose. La mafia ai tempi del fascismo, by Vittorio Coco and Manuela Patti [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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The Tuscan Committee of National Liberation: new directions in research, archives and editions of sources
Modern Italy - 2013
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L'alternativa liberale. Malagodi e l'opposizione al centrosinistra, by Giovanni Orsina [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Analysing Mussolini postcards
Modern Italy - 2013
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Anti-Italianism: essays on a prejudice, edited by William J. Connell and Fred Gardaphé [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Camosci e girachiavi. Storia del carcere in Italia, by Christian G. De Vito, preface by Guido Neppi Modena [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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The cult of Mussolini in twentieth-century Italy. Introduction
Modern Italy - 2013
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A fairy tale dictator: children's letters to the Duce
Modern Italy - 2013
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'It was like something that you have at home which becomes so familiar that you don't even pay attention to it': memories of Mussolini and Fascism in Predappio, 1922–2010
Modern Italy - 2013
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L'Italia nella storiografia inglese dell'Otto-Novecento, by Fabio Matassa [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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'Il nostro Duce': Mussolini's visit to Trieste in 1938 and the workings of the cult of the Duce
Modern Italy - 2013
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Playing the dictator: re-enactments of Mussolini in film and television
Modern Italy - 2013
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Social cohesion and economic development: some reflections on the Italian case
Modern Italy - 2013
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Special issue: The cult of Mussolini in twentieth-century Italy
Modern Italy - 2013
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Bringing voters back in leader selection: the open primaries of the Italian Democratic Party
Modern Italy - 2013
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The family, sexual morality and gender identity in the communist tradition in Italy (1921–1956)
Modern Italy - 2013
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'Heritage talks. Heritage calls': some instances of the canonisation policy of John Paul 2. in Italy
Modern Italy - 2013
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Homogeneity and differentiation in national and regional elections: the case of Italy
Modern Italy - 2013
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Italian foreign and security policy in a state of reliability crisis?
Modern Italy - 2013
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The pentiti of the Sicilian mafia in the 1930s
Modern Italy - 2013
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Bad news from an aberrant city: a critical analysis of the British press's portrayal of organised crime and the refuse crisis in Naples
Modern Italy - 2013
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Directory of world cinema: Italy, edited by Louis Bayman [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Divergenze parallele. Comunismo e anticomunismo alle origini del linguaggio politico dell'Italia Repubblicana (1945–1953), by Andrea Mariuzzo [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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The enemy of the new man: homosexuality in Fascist Italy, by Lorenzo Benadusi, translated by Suzanne Dingee and Jennifer Pudney [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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'The Futurist mountains': Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's experiences of mountain combat in the First World War
Modern Italy - 2013
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Guerra di servizi. Tra Italia e Svizzera, la rete informativa della Resistenza, by Matteo Millan [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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In the name of Italy: nation, family, and patriotism in a Fascist court, by Maura E. Hametz [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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L'inchiostro dei vinti. Stampa e ideologia neofascista 1945–1953, by Elisabetta Cassina Wolff [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Italian crime fiction, edited by Giuliana Pieri [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Italian folk: vernacular culture in Italian-American lives, edited by Joseph Sciorra [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Italy today: the sick man of Europe, edited by Andrea Mammone and Giuseppe A. Veltri [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Land reform in the 1950s in Italy and the United States: the thinking of Mario Einaudi
Modern Italy - 2013
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Lega & Padania. Storie e luoghi delle camicie verdi, by Gianluca Passarelli and Dario Tuorto [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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La memoria in piazza: monumenti risorgimentali nelle città lombarde tra identità locale e nazionale, by Marina Tesoro [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Political and institutional constraints on structural reforms: interpreting the Italian experience
Modern Italy - 2013
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Public pantheons in revolutionary Europe: comparing cultures of remembrance, c.1790–1840, by Eveline G. Bouwers [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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Sandro Penna and anti-Oedipal impegno
Modern Italy - 2013
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Shared places, unshared identities: vernacular discourses and spatialised constructions of identity in the linguistic landscape of Trieste
Modern Italy - 2013
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The 'turn to the victim' in Italian culture: victim-centred narratives of the anni di piombo
Modern Italy - 2013
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I Watussi
Modern Italy - 2013
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Women and the Great War: feminity under fire in Italy, by Allison Scardino Belzer [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2013
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