Modern Italy  -  2012

Risultato della ricerca: (55 titoli )

11 September 2001: the Italian writers' response
Modern Italy - 2012
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Gli Alleati e la Resistenza italiana, by Tommaso Piffer [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Anti-fascism for children: Ada Gobetti's story of Sebastiano the rooster
Modern Italy - 2012
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The antisemitism of the Italian catholics and nationalism: 'the Jew' and 'the honest Italy' in the rhetoric of La civiltà cattolica during the Risorgimento
Modern Italy - 2012
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Carlo Pisacane's La Rivoluzione. Revolution: an alternative answer to the Italian question, by Carlo Pisacane, translated and introduced by Richard Mann Roberts [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Democracy and the rights of women in the thinking of Giuseppe Mazzini
Modern Italy - 2012
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'Io sono qui muto e solitario': Giovannino Guareschi's prison writings, 1954–1955
Modern Italy - 2012
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The Italian transition that never was
Modern Italy - 2012
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Local identities, identification and incorporation of Albanian immigrants in Florence
Modern Italy - 2012
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I partiti politici nella prima repubblica. Maggioranze e governi dalla Costituente a Tangentopoli, by Luigi Curini and Paolo Martelli [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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The politics of electoral reform: changing the rules of democracy, by Alan Renwick [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Reflections on the Croce–Dewey exchange
Modern Italy - 2012
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1968. L'autunno di Praga, by Demetrio Volcic, nota di Sergio Valzania [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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The age of innocence? Child narratives and Italian Holocaust films
Modern Italy - 2012
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Avanti a lui tremava tutta Roma: opera, melodrama and the Resistance
Modern Italy - 2012
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Building a 'counter-community of emotions': feminist encounters and socio-cultural difference in 1970s Turin
Modern Italy - 2012
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City and nation in the Italian unification: the national festivals of Dante Alighieri, by Mahnaz Yousefzadeh [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Conflicts of memory: the reception of Holocaust films and TV programmes in Italy, 1945 to the present, by Emiliano Perra [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Effetto Tenco: genealogia della canzone d'autore, by Marco Santoro [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Emotions and gender in oral history: narrating Italy's 1968
Modern Italy - 2012
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Falcone and Borsellino: the story of an iconic photo
Modern Italy - 2012
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Hysteria's upheavals: emotional fault lines in Cristina di Belgiojoso's health history
Modern Italy - 2012
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L'identità italiana in cucina, by Massimo Montanari [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Introduction: Italy and the emotions
Modern Italy - 2012
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Mohamed Fekini and the fight to free Libya, by Angelo Del Boca, translated by Anthony Shugaar [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Murder and media in the new Rome: the Fadda affair, by Thomas Simpson [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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The new Neapolitan cinema, by Alex Marlow-Mann [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Oral history, oral culture, and Italian Americans, edited by Luisa Del Giudice [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Overcoming the 'Ndrangheta: contrasting methods and continuities of action. A report from the 'La ferita' conference, Reggio Calabria, November 2010
Modern Italy - 2012
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Politica Pop. Da 'Porta a Porta' a 'L'isola dei famosi', by Gianpietro Mazzoleni and Anna Sfardini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Politics of culture in liberal Italy: from unification to fascism, by Axel Körner [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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La prima generazione dei cantautori. 'Scuola' genovese, by Sebastiano Ferrari [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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'Roma non dimentica i suoi figli': love, sacrifice and emotional attachment to football heroes
Modern Italy - 2012
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Special issue: Emotions / guest editors Penny Morris, Mark Seymour and Francesco Ricatti
Modern Italy - 2012
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'Weeping tears of blood': exploring Italian soldiers' emotions in the First World War
Modern Italy - 2012
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Alle origini dello stato contemporaneo: politiche di gestione dei beni culturali e ambientali tra Ottocento e Novecento, by Andrea Ragusa [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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'Con il volere di Dio': Bernardo Provenzano and religious symbolic ritual
Modern Italy - 2012
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The determinants of and barriers to critical consumption: a study of Addiopizzo
Modern Italy - 2012
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Francesco è vivo, e lotta insieme a noi! Rebuilding local identities in the aftermath of the 1977 student protests in Bologna
Modern Italy - 2012
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Garibaldi fu ferito. Il mito, le favole, by Mario Isnenghi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Garlic & oil: food and politics in Italy, by Carol Helstosky [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Leonardo Sciascia's L'affaire Moro: re-writing fact, which can be stranger than fiction
Modern Italy - 2012
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Mass culture and Italian society from Fascism to the Cold War, by David Forgacs and Stephen Gundle [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Pier Paolo Pasolini and the medium of song: texts written for Laura Betti for the Giro a vuoto show
Modern Italy - 2012
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Power and magic in Italy, by Thomas Hauschild, translated by Jeremy Gaines [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Visiting modern war in Risorgimento Italy, by Jonathan Marwil [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2012
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Visual anthropology and sensory ethnography in contemporary Sardinia: a film of a different kind
Modern Italy - 2012
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Caught in the victim/criminal paradigm: female migrant prostitution in contemporary Italy
Modern Italy - 2012
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Country cousins: Europeanness, sexuality and locality in contemporary Italian television
Modern Italy - 2012
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Excesses and double standards: migrant prostitutes, sovereignty and exceptions in contemporary Italy
Modern Italy - 2012
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Imagined communities: initiatives around LGBTQ ageing in Italy
Modern Italy - 2012
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Introduction: the politics of sexuality in contemporary Italy
Modern Italy - 2012
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Italians (should) do it better? Medicalisation and the disempowering of intimacy
Modern Italy - 2012
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The politics of gender transitioning in Italy
Modern Italy - 2012
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Special issue: The politics of sexuality in contemporary Italy / guest editors Isabel Crowhurst and Chiara Bertone
Modern Italy - 2012
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