Modern Italy  -  2010

Risultato della ricerca: (69 titoli )

Censorship and literature in Fascist Italy, by Guido Bonsaver [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Cultural warfare and trust: Fighting the Mafia in Palermo, by Carina Gunnarson [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Defiance, the story of one man who stood up to the Sicilian mafia, by Tom Behan [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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A Eurosceptic vision in a europhile country: The case of the Lega Nord
Modern Italy - 2010
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Four types of anti-politics: Insight from the Italian case
Modern Italy - 2010
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Giornali di donne in Toscana: Un catalogo, molte storie (1770-1945), edited by Silvia Franchini, Monica Pacini and Simonetta Soldani, 2 vols [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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L'Italia repubblicana vista da fuori (1945-2000), edited by Stuart Woolf [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Italian general election of 2006, edited by J.L. Newell [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Italian Neofascism: The strategy of tension and the politics of nonreconciliation, by Anna Cento Bull [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Memory, symbolic conflict and changes in the national calendar in the Italian Second Republic
Modern Italy - 2010
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L'ombra di Mussolini: L'Italia moderata e la memoria del fascismo (1945-1960), by Cristina Baldassini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Oxford companion to Italian food, by Gillian Riley [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The politics of the piazza: The history and meaning of the Italian square, by Eamonn Canniffe [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Il primo De Gasperi: La formazione di un leader politico, by Paolo Pombeni [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Quaderni Sidney Sonnino per la storia dell'Italia contemporanea, by Pier Luigi Ballini and Rolando Nieri [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Republic after Berlusconi: Some reflections on historiography, politics and the political use of history in post-1994 Italy
Modern Italy - 2010
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Rome ville techinique (1870-1925): Une modernisation conflictuelle de l'espace urbain, by Denis Bocquet [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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La sfida nucleare: La politica estera italiana e le armi atomiche 1945-1991, by Leopoldo Nuti [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Stalin and the dove: Left pacifist language and choices of expression between the Popular Front and the Korean War (1948-1953)
Modern Italy - 2010
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The white war: Life and death on the Italian front 1915-1919, by Mark Thompson [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Dentro la bottega. Culture del lavoro in una città d'età moderna by Andrea Caracausi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Un difficile dopoguerra. La parabola dell'indipendentismo a Messina (1943-1947), by Salvatore Bottari [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Gramsci's unorthodox Marxism: political ambiguity and sociological relevance
Modern Italy - 2010
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Images of Gramsci: connections and contentions in political theory and international relations, by Andreas Bieler and Adam David Morton - Antonio Gramsci prison notebooks volume 3., edited by Joseph A. Buttigieg [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Italian Communist Party, local government and the Cold War
Modern Italy - 2010
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Negotiating the 'Garibaldi moment' in Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1845-1861)
Modern Italy - 2010
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Obituary for Roger N.L. Absalom
Modern Italy - 2010
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Party organisational change in Italy (1991-2006)
Modern Italy - 2010
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Schermi di piombo: il terrorismo nel cinema italiano, edited by Christian Uva [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Il terrore corre sul video. Estetica della violenza dalle BR ad Al Qaeda, by Christian Uva [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Umberto Zanotti Bianco and the Mogadishu events of 1948
Modern Italy - 2010
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'The way we were': the social construction of Italian security policy
Modern Italy - 2010
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Alla conquista dell'immaginario. L'alpinismo come proiezione di modelli culturali e sociali borghesi tra Otto e Novecento, edited by Michael Wedekind and Claudio Ambrosi [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Cambridge companion to Primo Levi, edited by Robert S.C. Gordon [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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'Experts in truth?': the politics of retribution in Italy and the role of historians
Modern Italy - 2010
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From admiration to competition: Italy as seen from Spain
Modern Italy - 2010
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Germany's view of Italy in the new century: new challenges and old stereotypes
Modern Italy - 2010
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L'immagine del leader. Quanto conta per gli elettori?, by Mauro Barisione [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Introduction: Italy in the eyes of others
Modern Italy - 2010
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Italy and the emotions: perspectives from the eighteenth century to the present [Conference report. Association for the study of modern Italy annual conference, London, 27-28 November 2009]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Italy in the eyes of others / guest editors Osvaldo Croci and Sonia Lucarelli [Special issue]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Italy seen from France or the complexity of family relations
Modern Italy - 2010
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Italy seen through British eyes: a European middle power?
Modern Italy - 2010
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Literary and social diasporas: an Italian Australian perspective, edited by Gaetano Rando and Gerry Turcote [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Low expectation: does Italy factor into American foreign policy calculations?
Modern Italy - 2010
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Man in disorder. The cinema of Lina Wertmuller in the 1970s, by Grace Russo Bullaro [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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A nice place to visit: Italy as seen by Canadians
Modern Italy - 2010
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Searching for memories in the suburbs of Rome [Rassegna bibliografica]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Amazons for Garibaldi: women warriors and the making of the hero of two worlds
Modern Italy - 2010
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Commemorating Garibaldi and the unification of Italy / guest editor Mark Seymour [Special issue]
Modern Italy - 2010
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I deputati toscani all'Assemblea costituente. Profili biografici, edited by Pier Luigi Ballini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Divided we stand: the French and Italian political parties and the rearmament of West Germany, by Linda Risso [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Don Camillo stories of Giovannino Guareschi: a humorist portrays the sacred, by Alan R. Perry [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? Berlusconi: truly, Craxi's heir?
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? Conclusion
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? False starts, false friends and a basic lack of good faith
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? Introduction
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? Italy: reformers without reforms or reforms without reformers ... or neither?
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? The Lega Nord and immigration: when the message trumps the reform
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? 'The mother of every reform': is there any substance in fiscal federalism?
Modern Italy - 2010
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Forum. Italy: reformers without reforms? What is at stake in the reform of justice?
Modern Italy - 2010
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Giuseppe Mazzini democratico e riformista europeo, by Leonardo La Puma [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Interpretations of Garibaldi in Fascist culture: a contested legacy
Modern Italy - 2010
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Introduction: perspectives on Garibaldi and Italian unity
Modern Italy - 2010
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The Risorgimento and English literary history, 1867-1911: the liberal heroism of Trevelyan's Garibaldi
Modern Italy - 2010
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That dangerous serpent: Garibaldi and Ireland 1860-1870
Modern Italy - 2010
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Unmaking the nation? Uses and abuses of Garibaldi in contemporary Italy
Modern Italy - 2010
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Le vie della libertà. Maestri e discepoli nel 'laboratorio pisano' tra il 1938 e il 1943, edited by Barbara Henry, Daniele Menozzi and Paolo Pezzino [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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Woodrow Wilson and the American myth in Italy: culture, diplomacy and war propaganda, by Daniela Rossini [Recensione]
Modern Italy - 2010
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