Risultato della ricerca: (17 titoli )

Italian politics: no improvement in sight
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Riforma e Rinascimento, Protestantism and Catholicism in Antonio Gramsci's writings on Italian history, 1926-35
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Myths and the political use of religion in Christian Democratic culture
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Povera Italia [Recensione di: Alexander Stille, The sack of Rome. How a beautiful European country with a fabled history and a storied culture was taken over by a man named Silvio Berlusconi. New York, The Penguin Press, 2006]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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John Robertson, The case for the enlightenment. Scotland and Naples 1680-1760. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Enrico Del Lago, Agrarian elites: American slaveholders and Southern Italian landowners, 1815-1861. Baton Rouge, LA, Louisiana State University Press, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Alberto Mario Banti, L'onore della nazione. Identità sessuali e violenza nel nazionalismo europeo dal 18. secolo alla Grande Guerra. Turin, Einaudi, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Timothy C. Campbell, Wireless writing in the age of Marconi. Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota Press, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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James H. S. McGregor, Rome from the ground up. Cambridge, MA, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Taina Syrjämaa, Constructing unity, living in diversity: a Roman decade. Finland, Annales Academiae scientiarum fennicae, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Borden W. Painter, Jr, Mussolini's Rome: rebuilding the Eternal City. New York, Palgrave McMillan, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Petra Terhoeven, Oro alla patria. Donne, guerra e propaganda nella giornata della Fede fascista. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Gabriella Gribaudi, Guerra totale. Tra bombe alleate e violenze naziste Napoli e il fronte meridionale 1940-1944. Turin, Bollati Boringhieri, 2005 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Anna Cento Bull and Adalgisa Giorgio (eds), Speaking out and silencing. Culture, society and politics in Italy 1970s. London, Modern humanities research Association and Maney Publishing, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Paolo Virno and Michael Hardt (eds), Radical thouth in Italy: a potential politics. Minneapolis, MN, University of Minneapolis Press, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Sonja Plesset, Sheltering women: negotiating gender and violence in Northern Italy. Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 2006 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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Roberto M. Dainotto, Europe (in theory). Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2007 [Recensione]
Journal of modern Italian studies - 2007
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