Italian journal of sociology of education  -  2022

Risultato della ricerca: (35 titoli )

An Engaged Curriculum to Train Community Social Workers: Main Challenges and Lessons Learned
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Bullying and Cyberbullying in Italy: Perspectives from an Action Research Project
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Confronting the Medusa with Athena’s Shield: Empowering Social Workers with a Transformative Role in the Migration Field
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Emotions in Social Work Education: Tools and Opportunities
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Group and Community Work in Practice: Students Learning from Experts-by- Experience
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Internationalization “At Home”: Fostering Inter- and Transnational Perspectives in the Social Work Curriculum
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Learning by Doing Within Communities: Experiences of Innovative Practice Learning in Social Work Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Participatory Teaching and Research: a Remote Fieldwork Initiative
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Professionalism and Training Needs of Social Work Between Theoretical and Practical Knowledge
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Re-Imagining School Social Work: Insights from a Tri-Country Study
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Service Users’ Involvement in Social Work Education: Lessons from an Innovative Experience
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Social Work Education: Innovations and Experiences
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Social Work Practice Placement During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Successful Experiences and Suggestions for the Future
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Teaching Social Advocacy in the Digital Era: an Experimental Project
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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The Mixed-Methods Research for Social Work Practice. About Acquiring Methodological Skills for Social Workers
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Assessing Creativity. For a Relational Perspective of the Creative Attitude
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Becoming Male Sex Worker, Doing Masculinities. Socio-Sexual Interactions and Gender Production in Men Selling Sex to Men in Italy and Sweden
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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For a Politics of Complicity. Networks of Care and Friendship Beyond Heteronormativity
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Gender Difference in Financial Literacy and Socialization: Comparing Italy to Spain
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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“Gender Is the Mood You Feel Yourself; You Can Feel Male or Female, a Little Bit Male and a Little Bit Female, or Neither”. Youths’ Sexual Scripts and (Personal) Gender Identity
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Gender, Sex and Sexuality: Education and Socialization Paths. Introduction to the Special Section
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Knowledge and Perception of School Social Work Services Among Parents Teachers Association (PTA) and its Implication to Community and Sustainable Development in South-east Nigeria
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Students, Parents and School-Choices. Gendered Trajectories in the Italian Education System
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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When Italian Same-Sex Parent Families Go to School: Fears, Challenges and Coping Strategies
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Digital-Insecurity and Overload: the Role of Technostress in Lecturers’ Work-Family Balance
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Digital Practices, Communicative Codes and Social Inequalities: a Case Study During the Pandemic in Italy
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Italian Secondary School Students and the Distance Learning Experience: From Current Critical Issues to Future Opportunities, Reflecting on VR
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Italian University Students facing Distance Learning: the Results of a Panel Web Survey
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Mentoring and Digital Learning to Enhance the Impact of Social Sciences
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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The Desexualization of Society. A Digital Ethnography on the Asexual Community
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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The Impact of Digital on Research, Socialisation, and Communication Processes
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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The Vaccine Is Now Here. The State-Regions Governance Between Converging Plans and Diverging Digital Communication
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Training Language Mediators and Interpreters through Embodied Cognition, Immersive Learning and Virtual Reality: Didactic, Organizational and Cost Benefits
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Usefulness of Digital Methods in Evaluating School Work Alternance Projects: How Actors and Contexts Under Observation Can Interconnect
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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Who Choose Private Schools in a Free Choice Institutional Setting? Evidence from Milan
Italian journal of sociology of education - 2022
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