Foreign affairs  -  2020

Risultato della ricerca: (105 titoli )

Adapt or perish : preparing for the inescapable effects of climate change
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The age of great-power competition : how the Trump administration refashioned American strategy
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Chained to globalization : why it's too late to decouple
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The clash of capitalisms : the real fight for the global economy's future
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Dirty Money : how corruption shapes the world
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Dreams of Westphalia : can a grand bargain solve the Middle East's problems?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Ever-further union : what happened to the european idea?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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How poverty ends : the many paths to progress - and why they might not continue
Foreign affairs - 2020
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How to fix American health care : what other countries can - and can't - teach the United States
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The neoliberal collapse : markets are not the answer
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The neosocialist delusion : wealth is not the problem
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The new China scare : why America shouldn't panic about its latest challenger
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Paths to power : the rise and fall of dictators
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The shoals of Ukraine : where american illusions and great-power politics collide
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The starving state : why capitalism's salvation depends on taxation
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Unmerited : inequality and the new elite
Foreign affairs - 2020
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When progressives were on the march : the postwar era's lessons for the left
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Women under attack : the backlash against female politicians
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The digital dictators : how technology strengthens autocracy
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The dismal kingdom : do economists have too much power?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The epidemic of despair : will America's mortality crisis spread to the rest of the world?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The folly of retrenchment : why America can't withdraw from the world
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Getting to less : the truth about defense spending
Foreign affairs - 2020
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How the good war went bad : America's slow-motion failure in Afghanistan
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Learning to live with despots : the limits of democracy promotion
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Mean streets : the global traffic death crisis
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The new spheres of influence : sharing the globe with other great powers
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The price of primacy : why America shouldn't dominate the world
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Reality check : american power in an age of constraints
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Saving America's alliances : the United States still needs the system that put it on top
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Too big to prevail : the national security case for breaking up big tech
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Why america must lead again : rescuing U.S. foreign policy after Trump
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The wily country : understanding Putin's Russia
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Britain adrift : the United Kingdom's search for a post-brexit role
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Building a resilient planet : how to adapt to climate change from the bottom up
Foreign affairs - 2020
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China's coming upheaval : competition, the coronavirus, and the weakness of Xi Jinping
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The climate club : how to fix a failing global effort
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The climate debt : what the west owes the rest
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The comeback nation : U.S. economic supremacy has repeatedly proved declinists wrong
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The end of grand strategy :America must think small
Foreign affairs - 2020
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A few good men : Trump, the generals, and the corrosion of civil-military relations
Foreign affairs - 2020
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A foreign policy for the climate : how american leadership can avert catastrophe
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Making cyberspace safe for democracy : the new landscape of information competition
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The Myanmar mirage : why the West got Burma wrong
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The next Iranian revolution : Why Washington should seek regime change in Tehran
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The paths to net zero : how technology can save the planet
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The right way to fix the EU : put politics before economics
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The strategic case for U.S. climate leadership : how americans can win with a pro-market Solution
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Trials and tribulations : a response to "How poverty ends"
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The two-state devolution : will power shifts in the Middle East revive "Land for peace"?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The unlikely environmentalists : how the private sector can combat climate change
Foreign affairs - 2020
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What Kim wants : the hopes and fears of North Korea's dictator
Foreign affairs - 2020
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A more eesilient union : how federalism can protect democracy from pandemics
Foreign affairs - 2020
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After capital : a radical agenda to tame inequality
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The age of magic money : can endless spending prevent economic calamity?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The case for climate pragmatism : saving the earth requires realism, not revolution
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Chronicle of a pandemic foretold : learning from the covid-19 failure : before the next outbreak arrives
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Divided we fall : what is tearing America apart?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The endangered asian century : America, China, and the perils of confrontation
Foreign affairs - 2020
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How hegemony ends : the unraveling of american power
Foreign affairs - 2020
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How to make trade work for workers : charting a path between protectionism and globalism
Foreign affairs - 2020
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In defense of economists : a response to "The Dismal Kingdom"
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The next liberal order : the age of contagion demands more internationalism, not less
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The overmilitarization of american foreign policy : the United States Must Recover the full range of its power
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The pandemic and political order : it takes a state
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Pinning down putin : how a Confident America should deal with Russia
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The retrenchment syndrome : a response to "Come home, America?"
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The rise of strategic corruption how states weaponize graft
Foreign affairs - 2020
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This land is not your land : the ethnic cleansing of native americans
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The vision thing : is grand strategy dead?
Foreign affairs - 2020
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When the System Fails : covid-19 and the Costs of global dysfunction
Foreign affairs - 2020
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An answer to aggression : how to push back against Beijing
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Citizens of the world : how cosmopolitanism made Europe modern
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Civil rights international : the fight against racism has always been global
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The democratic renewal : what it will take to fix U.S. foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The end of American illusion : Trump and the world as it is
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The fragile republic : american democracy has never faced so many threats all at once
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Giving up on God : the global decline of religion
Foreign affairs - 2020
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A grand strategy of resilience : American power in the age of fragility
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The Kremlin's plot against democracy : how Russia updated its 2016 playbook for 2020
Foreign affairs - 2020
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League of nationalists : how Trump and Modi refashioned the U.S.-Indian relationship
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Messiah complex : how Brazil made Bolsonaro
Foreign affairs - 2020
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One country, two systems, no future : the end of Hong Kong as we know It
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The pandemic depression : the global economy will never be the same
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Present at the disruption : how Trump nnmade U.S. foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 2020
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To protect and to serve : global lessons in police reform
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The tragedy of vaccine nationalism : only cooperation can end the pandemic
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Which past is prologue? : heeding the right warnings from history
Foreign affairs - 2020
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As the world burns : climate change's dangerous next phase
Foreign affairs - 2020
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A better crystal ball : the right way to think about the future
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Capitalism after the pandemic : getting the recovery right
Foreign affairs - 2020
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China thinks America is losing Washington must show Beijing it's wrong
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Coming storms : the return of great-power war
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The decider : why Bush chose war in Iraq
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Heads in the sand : why we fail to foresee and contain catastrophe
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Hocus-Pocus? : debating the age of magic money
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The lawless realm : countering the real cyberthreat
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The long road to suffrage : how women won the right to vote
Foreign affairs - 2020
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A national security reckoning : how Washington should think about power
Foreign affairs - 2020
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No exit : why the Middle East still matters to America
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Rogue superpower : why this could be an illiberal american century
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The strategies are foreign, but the corruption is American : a response to "The rise of strategic corruption"
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The transformation of diplomacy : how to save the state department
Foreign affairs - 2020
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The underappreciated power : Japan after Abe
Foreign affairs - 2020
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Uniting the techno-democracies : how to build digital cooperation
Foreign affairs - 2020
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