Foreign affairs  -  2019

Risultato della ricerca: (107 titoli )

The age of uneasy peace : chinese power in a divided world
Foreign affairs - 2019
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America's long goodbye : the real crisis of the Trump era
Foreign affairs - 2019
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America's Middle East purgatory : the case for doing less
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The crisis of peacekeeping : why the UN can't end wars
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Deepfakes and the new disinformation war : the coming age of post-truth geopolitics
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The eroding balance of terror : the decline of deterrence
Foreign affairs - 2019
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A foreign policy for all : strengthening democracy - at home and abroad
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The fourth founding : the United States and the liberal order
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The free-trade paradox : the bad politics of a good idea
Foreign affairs - 2019
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How a world order ends : and what comes in its wake
Foreign affairs - 2019
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How congress can take back foreign policy : a playbook for capitol hill
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Life after liberation : the long shadow of eastern Europe's communist past
Foreign affairs - 2019
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More, less, or different? : where U.S. foreign policy should - and shouldn't - go from here
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Snake-oil economics : the bad math behind Trump's policies
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The stealth superpower : how China hid Its global ambitions
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Trump versus the government : can America get its story straight?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The unhackable election : what it takes to defend democracy
Foreign affairs - 2019
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When empires end : the last days of british India
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Blood for soil : the fatal temptations of ethnic politics
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The broken bargain : how nationalism came back
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Building a better nationalism : the nation's place in a globalized world
Foreign affairs - 2019
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E Pluribus Unum? The fight over identity politics
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Educate to liberate : open societies need open minds
Foreign affairs - 2019
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False flags : the myth of the nationalist resurgence
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The future of the liberal order is conservative : a strategy to save the system
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The importance of elsewhere : in defense of cosmopolitanism
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The kurdish awakening : unity, betrayal, and the future of the middle east
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Less than zero : can carbon-removal technologies curb climate change?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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A new americanism : why a nation needs a national story
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The new containment : handling Russia, China, and Iran
Foreign affairs - 2019
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No country for strongmen : how India's democracy constrains modi
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The original hidden figures : the women scientists who won the Great war
Foreign affairs - 2019
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This is your brain on nationalism : the biology of us and them
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Who's afraid of budget deficits? : how Washington should end its debt obsession
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Why nationalism works : and why It isn't going away
Foreign affairs - 2019
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All the king's consultants : the perils of advising authoritarians
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Back to basics : how to make right what Trump gets wrong
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Commitment issues : where should the U.S. withdrawal from the middle east stop?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The dark side of sunlight : how transparency helps lobbyists and hurts the public
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The end of hubris : and the new age of american restraint
Foreign affairs - 2019
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A good democracy is hard to find : why progress takes so long and falls apart so easily
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Hard truths in Syria : America can't do more with less, and it shouldn't try
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Killer apps : the real dangers of an AI arms race
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The longest wars : Richard Holbrooke and the decline of american power
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The lost art of American diplomacy : can the state department be saved?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The new german question : what happens when Europe comes apart?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The new revolution in military affairs : war's sci-i Future
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The open world : what America can achieve after Trump
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The real killer : fighting the scourge of everyday violence
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Spies, lies, and algorithms : why U.S. intelligence agencies must adapt or fail
Foreign affairs - 2019
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This time is different : why U.S. foreign policy will never recover
Foreign affairs - 2019
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A world safe for capital : how neoliberalism shaped the international system
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Africa's democratic moment? : the five leaders who could transform the region
Foreign affairs - 2019
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America's forgotten colony : ending Puerto Rico's perpetual crisis
Foreign affairs - 2019
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American Hustle : what Mueller found - and didn't find - about Trump and Russia
Foreign affairs - 2019
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China's feminist fight : #MeToo in the Middle Kingdom
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Democracy demotion : how the freedom agenda fell apart
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Europe alone : what comes after the transatlantic alliance
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Faith-based finance : how wall street became a cult of risk
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The global economy's next winners : what It takes to thrive in the automation age
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Globalization's wrong turn : and how it hurt America
Foreign affairs - 2019
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How should a liberal be? : walter Bagehot and the politics of progress
Foreign affairs - 2019
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It's the institutions, stupid : the real roots of America's political crisis
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Last War and the next? : learning the wrong lessons from Iraq
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The new Tiananmen papers : inside the secret meeting that changed China
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Ready for robots? : how to think about the future of AI
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The republican devolution : partisanship and the decline of american governance
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The self-destruction of american power : Washington squandered the unipolar moment
Foreign affairs - 2019
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With great demographics comes great power : why population will drive geopolitics
Foreign affairs - 2019
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A World safe for autocracy? : China's rise and the future of global politics
Foreign affairs - 2019
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An American in Cairo : Egypt through western eyes
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Bad news : can democracy survive if the media fail?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Can America still protect its allies? : how to make deterrence work
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Competition without catastrophe : how America can both challenge and coexist with China
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Dictators' last stand : why the new autocrats are weaker than they look
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Erdogan's way : the rise and rule of Turkey's islamist shapeshifter
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The India dividend : New Delhi remains Washington's best hope in Asia
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Internet Freedom League : how to push back against the authoritarian assault on the Web
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Old World and the Middle Kingdom Europe wakes Up to China's rise
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Party man : Xi Jinping's quest to dominate China
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The population bust : demographic decline and the end of capitalism as we know it
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Putin the great : Russia's imperial impostor
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The return of doomsday : the new nuclear arms race - and how Washington and Moscow can stop it
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The sources of Chinese conduct : are Washington and Beijing fighting a new Cold War?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Transformer : Orban's evolution and Hungary's demise
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Trump's assault on the global trading system and why decoupling from china will change everything
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The vigilante president : how Duterte's brutal populism conquered the Philippines
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Winning the peace in Iraq : don't give up on Baghdad's fragile democracy
Foreign affairs - 2019
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America's great Satan : the 40-Year obsession with Iran
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Beyond great forces : how individuals still shape history
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Disaster in the desert : why trump's middle east plan can't work
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The dream palace of the americans : why ceding land will not bring peace
Foreign affairs - 2019
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How a caliphate ends : on the frontline of the fight against ISIS
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Let Russia be Russia : the case for a More pragmatic approach to Moscow
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Middle East's lost decades : development, dissent, and the future of the Arab World
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The new masters of the universe : big tech and the business of surveillance
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The nonintervention delusion : what war is good for
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Nowhere to go : how governments in the Americas are bungling the migration crisis
Foreign affairs - 2019
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Obama's idealists : american power in theory and practice
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The progressive case against protectionism : how trade and immigration help american workers
Foreign affairs - 2019
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There will be a One-State solution but what kind of state will it be?
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The Tunisia model : lessons from a new Arab democracy
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The unwanted wars : why the middle east is more combustible than ever
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The unwinnable rade war : everyone loses in the U.S.-Chinese clash - but especially americans
Foreign affairs - 2019
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The virtue of monopoly : why the stock market stopped working
Foreign affairs - 2019
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War is not over : what the optimists get wrong about conflict
Foreign affairs - 2019
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What is white america? : the identity politics of the majority
Foreign affairs - 2019
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