Foreign affairs  -  1993

Risultato della ricerca: (78 titoli )

Ambitious Iran, troubled neighbors
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Arabs and Israelis: slow walk toward peace
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Asia/Pacific challenges
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Chronology 1992 / Edited by Patricia Lee Dorff
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Dangers of slow growth
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Debacle in Somalia
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The global economy bungled
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Latin America: ready for partnership?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The new Europe: yesterday's ghosts
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The new interventionists
Foreign affairs - 1993
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New mission for foreign aid
Foreign affairs - 1993
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A new trade order
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Quest for a post-Cold War foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Retreat from Africa
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Russia and Eastern Europe: will the West let them fail?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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California's foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The challenge of radical Islam
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The decline and fall of almost everything. Paul Kennedy peers into the 21st century [Recensione]
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The diminished giant syndrome. How declinism drives trade policy
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The end of Japan, inc.? An economic monolith fractures
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The fate of the Kurds
Foreign affairs - 1993
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France in search of security
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The future of the Balkans. An interview with David Owen
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The mosque and the temple. The rise of fundamentalism
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Reducing nuclear danger
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The rise of the region state
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Russia's rough road to capitalism
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Russia's work ethic
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Salvaging the G-7
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The secrets of Castro's staying power
Foreign affairs - 1993
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What green peril?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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A brief history of ethnic cleansing
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The case against a Ukrainian nuclear deterrent
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The case for a Ukrainian nuclear deterrent
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The case for war crimes trials in Yugoslavia
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The clash of civilizations?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Clinton's emerging trade policy. Act one, scene one [Recensione]
Foreign affairs - 1993
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A common discontent. Revisiting Britain and Germany
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Invitation to war
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Lessons of Chernobyl. The cultural causes of the meltdown
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The next great arms race
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The plutonium genie
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The post-Cold War press. A new world needs a new journalism
Foreign affairs - 1993
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A profile of Slobodan Milosevic
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Reining in the U.N. Mistaking the instrument for the actor
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The stain of Vietnam. Robert McNamara, redemption denied [Recensione]
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Superpower without a sword
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The battle for Egypt
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Building a new NATO
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Can NAFTA change Mexico?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The case for optimism. The West should believe in itself
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Civilization grafting. No culture is an island
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The collapse of 'the West'
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The dangers of decadence. What the rest can teach the West
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The end of churchillmania? Reappraising the legend [Recensione]
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Freedom and its discontents
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Holding together South Africa
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Japan's non-revolution
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The modernizing imperative. Tradition and change
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Oil: reopening the door
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Playing a good hand. The secrets of Shultz's success [Recensione]
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The summoning. 'But they said, we will not hearken.' Jeremiah 6: 17
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The asianization of Asia
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The challenges to Turkey
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Creating a Pacific community. A time to bolster economic institutions
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The future of the Islamic movement
Foreign affairs - 1993
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GATTing the greens. Not just greening the GATT
Foreign affairs - 1993
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If not civilizations, what? Paradigms of the post-Cold War world
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Is Jordan doomed?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Is Pinochet the model?
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Myths versus facts. The whole truth about the half-truths. The NAFTA debate
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The rise of China
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Risking the American dream. Pointing fingers is easier than plotting courses
Foreign affairs - 1993
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South Africa's future foreign policy
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The uncomfortable truth about NAFTA. It's foreign policy, stupid. The NAFTA debate
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Wandering in the void. Charting the U.N.'s new strategic role
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Why South Africa gave up the bomb
Foreign affairs - 1993
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The wrath of ages. Nationalism's primordial roots [Recensione]
Foreign affairs - 1993
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Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea 'Giorgio Agosti' : Biblioteca
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10122 - Torino