Autore: Boschi, Domiziano
Titolo: La valutazione dell'impatto delle politiche tecnologiche: un'analisi classificatoria e una rassegna di alcune esperienze europee.
Periodico: CERIS-CNR. Working Paper
Anno: 1996 - Fascicolo: 18 - Pagina iniziale: 1 - Pagina finale: 27

The present work is a survey of the main initiatives undertaken in some European countries in the field of evaluation of publicly funded R&D and innovation policies. Although available evaluation tools are still poorly designed and not enough sophisticated to grasp all the facets of the innovation process, they allow to gather information that is extremely valuable strategic and operational purposes. Perspectively their use and their role can be seen as a supplementary policy leverage in the hands of policy makers by which to increase the amount of information needed to make long term strategic choices and commitments and to guarantee an efficient use of the resources allocated to each single unit or project. Surveying the main evaluation practices introduced in France, Great Britain and Germany can be a good starting point to make a comparative analysis of their innovation systems and their policy initiatives and to identify some key issues in terms of policy design and implementation.

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