Briamonte, Lucia ,
Macaluso, Dario ,
Piatto, Paolo ,
Rubertucci, Mariagrazia Titolo:
Trends and support models in public expenditure on agriculture: An italian perspectivePeriodico:
Economia agro-alimentareAnno:
2023 - Fascicolo:
2 - Pagina iniziale:
189 - Pagina finale:
220This paper identifies, quantifies, and qualifies the streams and models of public expenditure in the agricultural sector for the 2010-2020 period, and attempts to respond to the main preliminary needs of interventions that benefit the agricultural sector.The specific methodology of the CREA has been used to classify public expenditure on agriculture at the national and regional levels, thus allowing for a homogeneous classification of all direct and indirect support for the sector, which has been obtained from the accounting records of the disbursing agencies.This is accompanied by the use of cluster analysis to identify the support models for the sector that have been adopted by the Italian regions.Through the analysis of FAO data on the Agriculture Orientation Index (AOI), national trends in spending are identified and compared with the European and global contexts, which also allows tracking of the evolution of the national agricultural policy independently of support from the Community Agricultural Policy (CAP).
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SICI: 1126-1668(2023)2<189:TASMIP>2.0.ZU;2-Z
Testo completo: PDFEsportazione dati in Refworks (solo per utenti abilitati)
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