Autore: Galiano, �?ngel García
Titolo: Eneas, Faetón e Hipólito: fusión mítica de Dante en tres pasajes del cielo de Marte: Paradiso XV y XVII
Periodico: In verbis
Anno: 2022 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 103 - Pagina finale: 118

This paper speaks about of how, in the decisive and central moments of Paradiso, in which the visiting poet from the sky of Mars (of the warriors) meets his ancestor Cacciaguida, he uses the literary formula of the mythical fusion to underline, enhance and signify the value of the prophecy that is about to be revealed to him, in which his great-great-grandfather will predict his upcoming exile but also (and thanks to it) his inalienable status as a poet who seeks truth and extraordinary witness of the ‘transpersonal realms’, Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, which he is now confirming on his pilgrimage and which, later, he will have to write down in immortal verses

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SICI: 2279-8978(2022)2<103:EFEHFM>2.0.ZU;2-V
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