Autore: Alfano, Giancarlo
Titolo: L'immagine indelebile. Visione e posizione in Andrea Zanzotto
Periodico: Strumenti critici
Anno: 2022 - Volume: 159 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 263 - Pagina finale: 279

This essay aims to verify the relevance of Andrea Zanzotto’s philosophical readings (most notably Martin Heidegger and Jacques Lacan) through the narrative construction of Premesse all’abitazione, one of his rare prose-fiction pieces. The analysis shows how the author’s wartime experience is represented through a specific treatment of the narrative point of view and of the ‘framing’, which transforms the fixity of a traumatic image into narrative dynamism.

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SICI: 0039-2618(2022)159:2<263:LIVEPI>2.0.ZU;2-9
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