Autori: Garzella, Stefano , Mancini, Daniela , Fiorentino, Raffaele , Lamboglia, Rita
Titolo: Strategie di sostenibilità: dalle motivazioni ai sistemi di misurazione della performance
Periodico: MC
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 115 - Pagina finale: 142

The paper aims to examine the main changes that performance measurement systems of firms have to face after the adoption of sustainability strategies. The relationship between sustainability strategies and performance measurement systems is analysed along three main dimensions: the reasons that lead to the implementation of sustainability strategies; the changes that these strategies produce within the performance measurement systems; the feedback effects that the revised performance measurement systems determine on the sustainability strategies.

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SICI: 2239-0391(2016)2<115:SDSDMA>2.0.ZU;2-R
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Università degli studi [Padova] : Polo di Scienze sociali : Biblioteca di Scienze Giuridiche "Ruggero Meneghelli"
Via 8 Febbraio, 2
35122 - Padova