Autori: Songini, Lucrezia , Vola, Paola , Gelmini, Lorenzo
Titolo: What does the Business Model tell us about Natural Capital? Insights from African Integrated Reports
Periodico: MC
Anno: 2021 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 75 - Pagina finale: 96

The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity (TEEB, 2010) has emphasized the importance of business sectors involved in ecology, biodiversity, and the environ-ment’s entire conservation and protection process. Corporate sustainability raises the question of how environmental and social management can be better integrat-ed into economic business goals. The latter is important in order to trace the actual impact of firms’ actions on the environment by means of disclosure reports and in order to identify and promote business organizations’ virtuous behaviour.

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SICI: 2239-0391(2021)1<75:WDTBMT>2.0.ZU;2-9
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