Autore: Celada, Luca
Titolo: America First! Il melting pot denaturalizzato di Trump
Periodico: Parolechiave
Anno: 2020 - Volume: 62 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 185 - Pagina finale: 197

During the past four years, sovereign ideology has been realized in a political discourse directly inspired by texts and concepts from the racist galaxy of supremacist extremism, Catholic and Western fundamentalism. In the author’s opinion, it is precisely in this context that Donald Trump’s political rise can be understood. The events of recent years have meant that it was the United States the country in which sovereignism and populism made their way into the institutions and Trump is the politician who brought to power the ideological demands of the most extreme and reactionary fringes of the American right.

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