Autore: Urbinati, Nadia
Titolo: Un'analisi critica del sovranismo
Periodico: Parolechiave
Anno: 2020 - Volume: 62 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 51 - Pagina finale: 63

This article analyzes and critically discusses the sovereignism (sovranismo) of the left. It shows how the challenge to the sovereign power comes today from corporate and financial globalization, which uses the institutions for civil and human rights protection in order to resist and oppose the decision-making prerogatives of sovereign communities, and democracies in particular. In the face of this unbalancing of powers, the sovereignty of the single states shows to be weak. Augmenting political sovereign power seems a better strategy for containing global capitalism. To this end, the EU emerges as an opportunity (although very imperfect) as also the decisions to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic shows.

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SICI: 1122-5300(2020)62:1<51:UCDS>2.0.ZU;2-G
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