Autore: Ferrando, Gilda
Titolo: Il suicidio assistito di dj Fabo. L'autodeterminazione terapeutica dai principi alle regole
Periodico: Politica del diritto
Anno: 2020 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 15 - Pagina finale: 40

The Constitutional Court’s judgment on assisted suicide writes an important chapter of therapeutic self-determination in the Italian legal system: the decision has extraordinary relevance because, precisely in the name of therapeutic self-determination, it justifies under certain conditions the realization of assisted suicide in Italy. A future law on this matter will have to take into account both the patient’s right to choose how to die, but will be able to set the limits of aid to suicide in compliance with the fundamental principles on whose implementation the Constitutional Court will continue to perform an important function of control.

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SICI: 0032-3063(2020)1<15:ISADDF>2.0.ZU;2-J
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