Autore: Putnam, Lance
Titolo: Relating Timbre and Shape in the Audiovisual Composition S Phase
Periodico: Musica/tecnologia
Anno: 2017/2018 - Volume: 11/12 - Pagina iniziale: 109 - Pagina finale: 117

S Phase is a computer-generated audiovisual composition that was led by a desire to create an abstract form that had a sense of living and breathing and to associate sound and graphics on a deep level. This article discusses the motivation for the work, details of its construction and compositional interface, and some of the timbre-shape associations explored in the work. Basic sound synthesis parameters were used to control higher-level features of the graphical representation such as rotational and translational symmetry and roundedness.

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SICI: 1974-0050(2017/2018)11/12<109:RTASIT>2.0.ZU;2-1
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