Autore: Cacciatore, Maurilio
Titolo: Lost in feedback (2014): soluzioni personali di musica mista tra il teatro musicale e la performance visuale
Periodico: Musica/tecnologia
Anno: 2017/2018 - Volume: 11/12 - Pagina iniziale: 29 - Pagina finale: 44

Lost in feedback is a work for electric vibraphone, percussions, stage performer and live electronics. The add of some captors under the keys of the vibraphone together with a series of non conventional techniques transform the sound in order to relate acoustic sources and electronic treatments. The canvas painted live by the stage performer also contributes to the electronics along the piece by a series of captors placed under the structure that holds the surface and the artist. The title of the piece refers to the strategy adopted for the realisation of the sound files and the live capturing; real-time and pre-recorded Larsen effects sustain the instrumental playing and use actively the custom spazialization adopted. A contact loudspeaker placed on a Timpano uses the instrument like a resonator and the vibraphone is amplified through an electric guitar amplifier. The software for managing the electronics has been programmed using a Max package of mine based on a modules collection for the live electronics combined with acoustic instruments called MMixte.

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SICI: 1974-0050(2017/2018)11/12<29:LIF(SP>2.0.ZU;2-O
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