Autore: Cera, Andrea
Titolo: Three years of fragments: music, sound design, and sketching
Periodico: Musica/tecnologia
Anno: 2017/2018 - Volume: 11/12 - Pagina iniziale: 45 - Pagina finale: 62

This article describes an ongoing process, started in 2014, which brings together scientific research, artistic  investigation, sound design tools development, and cooperation between various entities, institutional and non-institutional: the European project SkAT-VG, the independent Swiss platform Plakart, the Art Center of Château La Coste,  social media. The artistic output of this process consists of series of sketches and fragments ([I titoli che seguono entro la parentesi tonda vanno tutti in corsivo] Pink Squirrels; S’i’ Fosse Suono; after the Gate-Machines; The Brown Lipstick Sketches). The focus on sketching activities (in the SkAT-VG project) and the fragmented nature of the Internet (in the Plakart platform) has driven me to develop autonomous narrative frameworks to unify a seemingly disparate collection of short forms. I introduce my presentation with a synopsis of my aesthetic position, which revolves around the interference between different, or even incompatible, cultural paradigms.

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SICI: 1974-0050(2017/2018)11/12<45:TYOFMS>2.0.ZU;2-H
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