Autori: Boccardelli, Paolo , Vicentini, Francesca , Markeviciute, Imante , Blazenaite, Aukse
Titolo: Dynamic Capabilities for Open Innovation: The Role of Customer Mindset in Launching an Internet TV
Periodico: Mercati e competitività
Anno: 2018 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 93 - Pagina finale: 113

This paper aims at revealing the influence of dynamic capabilities on open innovation in the context of TV broadcasters and at disclosing the importance of customer mindset, when launching an Internet TV project. Accordingly, the paper proposes a theoretical framework which links customer’s mindset in industries to dynamic capabilities for open innovation in the case of launching an Internet TV. The data has been collected from Lithuanian TV broadcasting industry. The results elaborated with Maxqda software imply that the launch of an Internet TV is not only the output of classic external and internal drivers, called company’s dynamic capabilities, but is also the result of customers’ mindset in sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring activities.

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SICI: 1826-7386(2018)1<93:DCFOIT>2.0.ZU;2-U
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