Autori: Mancini, Daniela , Metallo, Concetta , Piedepalumbo, Palmira
Titolo: La Network Governance a supporto dell'Open Innovation: un'analisi della letteratura
Periodico: MC
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 79 - Pagina finale: 94

This study aims at investigate the state of the art of network governance studies in relation to a specific context, that is research and development (R & D) and open innovation. The research was conducted through a literature review over the period 2007-2017. The obtained results outline a descriptive picture of the main trends in the field of governance in open innovation networks, highlighting the concentration of studies in some research centers and journals, and therefore a need for research that deepens the Governance as a key factor in open innovation processes.

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SICI: 2239-0391(2017)3<79:LNGASD>2.0.ZU;2-L
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