Autori: Mariani, Angela , Privitera, Donatella , Monteleone, Simona
Titolo: Crowdfunding as social innovation practice: Experiences in Italy
Periodico: Rivista di studi sulla sostenibilità
Anno: 2017 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 67 - Pagina finale: 82

The field of social innovation is broad and, among the several examples, crowdfunding is a promising new financing model that could enhance a society’s ability to find solutions to ensure a socially and environmental sustainable growth. The aim of this paper is to deepen the analysis using as case studies the experience of two recently launched crowdfunding platforms specialized in territorial and social-oriented projects in Southern Italy - Meridonare and Laboriusa. In order to outline funders’ profile and motivations, an online survey was conducted among those who backed projects. Our results show that the opportunity to participate with limited monetary amounts may allow individuals, involved in social and cultural issues, to contribute to projects that can improve their own local community.

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SICI: 2239-1959(2017)2<67:CASIPE>2.0.ZU;2-#
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