Autore: Longobucco, Francesco
Titolo: Beni culturali e conformazione dei rapporti tra privati: quando la proprietà "obbliga"
Periodico: Politica del diritto
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 4 - Pagina iniziale: 547 - Pagina finale: 562

The essay analyzes the various aspects of legal circulation of cultural property through the modern theory of goods, by deepening property function («social» and «universal» function), in order to solve problems and conflicts concerning the examined matter. A particular legal statute of cultural property takes relevance, as this kind of property is not only composed of faculties, but also of a series of obligations upon private individuals [just as it emerges from the recent Code of cultural goods (so called «Code Urbani»)].

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SICI: 0032-3063(2016)4<547:BCECDR>2.0.ZU;2-N
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