Autore: Campedelli, Massimo
Titolo: La riforma del Terzo settore
Periodico: Politiche Sociali
Anno: 2016 - Volume: 9 - Fascicolo: 3 - Pagina iniziale: 503 - Pagina finale: 508

After 25 years of micro-sector and fragmentary legislation, the 2016 delegation law no. 106 provides a legal identity and a comprehensive regulation to what has been so far loosely labelled as the third sector. The act clearly defines what bodies are entitled to be part of the third sector and the requirements to be met in order to be granted the relevant legal status. Furthermore, the law introduces a universal civil service for young people (18 to 28 year-old). The service aims at providing a civil, non-armed defense of the country in addition to promoting the Italian Republic's foundational values.

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SICI: 2284-2098(2016)9:3<503:LRDTS>2.0.ZU;2-
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