Autori: Parmentola, Adele , Tutore, Ilaria
Titolo: New trends in the development of Chinese high-tech companies: an open innovation perspective
Periodico: Mercati e competitività
Anno: 2016 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 71 - Pagina finale: 102

Despite the recent success of the open innovation theories, none of the authors have described so far the innovation strategy of Chinese companies from an open innovation perspective. This paper aims at filling this gap in the literature, providing an analysis of the innovation strategy of Chinese companies adopting the open innovation paradigm. The study relies on a confirmative multiple-case study analysis of the innovation strategy implemented by four Chinese high-tech companies operating in the telecommunications equipment industry. The results demonstrate that the paradigm of open innovation shows its beneficial effects also in contexts like China that do not have the typical features of Western contexts where this paradigm was born and has been tested.

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SICI: 1826-7386(2016)1<71:NTITDO>2.0.ZU;2-M
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