Autori: Quadrelli, Isabella , Maggioni, Guido , Polini, Benedetta , Vincenti, Alessandra
Titolo: Servizi pubblici e mediazione familiare
Periodico: Autonomie locali e servizi sociali
Anno: 2015 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 205 - Pagina finale: 220

The paper presents the results of a study investigating family mediation services within the public sector with regard to their distribution in the Marche Region, their characteristics and use. The main objective was to analyze whether the current situation characterized by regulatory uncertainty about the mediator's professional status and role is affecting the way in which family mediation is delivered, the relationship with the judicial system and the characteristics of couples accessing the service.

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SICI: 0392-2278(2015)2<205:SPEMF>2.0.ZU;2-U
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