Pettenella, Davide ,
Gatto, Paola ,
Secco, Laura ,
Vidale, Enrico Titolo:
Exploring the willingness to pay for forest ecosystem services by residents of the Veneto RegionPeriodico:
2014 - Volume:
3 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
21 - Pagina finale:
43Forests produce a wide array of goods, both private and public. The demand for forest ecosystem services is increasing in many European countries, yet there is still a scarcity of data on values at regional scale for Alpine areas. A Choice Experiment survey has been conducted in order to explore preferences, uses and the willingness of the Veneto population to pay for ecosystem services produced by regional mountain forests. The results show that willingness to pay is significant for recreation and C-sequestration but not for biodiversity conservation, landscape and other ecosystem services. These findings question the feasibility of developing market-based mechanisms in Veneto at present and cast light on the possible role of public institutions in promoting policy actions to increase the general awareness of forest-related ecosystem services.
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SICI: 2280-6172(2014)3:1<21:ETWTPF>2.0.ZU;2-C
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