Autore: Venturi, Francesco
Titolo: Tra permanenza e successione: il tempo nella prima Critica di Kant
Periodico: Annali del dipartimento di filosofia
Anno: 2012 - Volume: 18 - Pagina iniziale: 53 - Pagina finale: 69

The present work is focused on a specific question: is time permanent or not in Kant’s first Critique? I tried to find out my answer on the papers written by authors from Anglo-American tradition, who don’t seem so interested in this topic. Indeed, the former problem was to find remarks about it. Then I highlighted two different points of view: ones think that time is permanent. They tried to warrant this, using especially what Kant says about it in the second edition section dedicated to first Analogy. Others think that time flows, in particular when it’s considered as medi- ate external sense. Finally, I tried to explain why, on my point of view, it’s possible to find in Kant this two contrary position and how it is possible to get out from this situation.

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SICI: 1824-3770(2012)18<53:TPESIT>2.0.ZU;2-J
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