Autore: Capano, Giliberto
Titolo: Obiettivi e tendenze delle riforme dei sistemi universitari europei
Periodico: Scuola democratica : strategie educative e territorio
Anno: 2015 - Volume: 7 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 123 - Pagina finale: 140

This paper contextualizes the empirical research presented in the special issue, focused on the changes of institutional governance, inside the broader trend of reforms which Europe's university systems have had to deal with over the past thirty years. The process of reform proceeded in a wave-like fashion, and its timing varied from one country to the next; however, at a certain point certain significant effects became consolidated in terms of both the prior status quo (which had changed radically) and of the pursued objectives, not always achieved, and in some cases unforeseen. Thus the paper examines this process by focusing on the instruments and strategies employed to achieve the declared objectives and by presenting and discussion the objectives reached and possible future trends. The analysis shows how the overall the university reforms witnessed in Europe do not appear to have been affected by internationally shared best practices or templates (as many analysts and observers claim) so much as by national decisional and reforming styles.

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SICI: 1129-731X(2015)7:1<123:OETDRD>2.0.ZU;2-X
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