Autore: Heaney, Dermot
Titolo: NNS Proficiency and Identity Construction in Sports Media Discourse and Interactions
Periodico: Textus
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 91 - Pagina finale: 102

This paper addresses the relationship between NNS proficiency andprofessional and national identity by examining the case of Fabio Capello,whose four-year management of the English national football teamestablished an extended intercultural setting for assessing the impactof the limited L2 skills of a high-profile NNS professional in the publicsphere. By referring to the Interlanguage (IL) model, a quantitative anddiachronic analysis of Capello's L2 competence during his tenure is carriedout. The analysis is completed by drawing on aspects of identity theory toassess how closely and at what points L2 competence was involved in themediated construction of his identity as a 'fitting' foreign manager of theEnglish squad.

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SICI: 1824-3967(2013)1<91:NPAICI>2.0.ZU;2-3
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