Autore: Casciu, Stefano
Titolo: Il tema delle sponsorizzazioni/erogazioni liberali visto dalla parte delle Soprintendenze: difficoltà, equivoci, burocrazia, mentalità
Periodico: Aedon (Online)
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 20 - Pagina finale: 30

The publication by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture (recently also Ministry of Tourism) of the Guidelines on sponsorships and donations (December 19, 2012, published on Official Gazette in March 2013) reintroduces the complex issue of public-private collaboration in the cultural heritage sector. The Guidelines, which not introduce substancial innovation in the legislation, provide some interesting new idea and useful clarifications to the different actors involved in private financing of public activities in the field of cultural heritage. In this field, both potential sponsors /donors and public authorities who receive funding to manage in procedural and administrative terms face difficulties. The aim of this article is to show - from the point of view of the operating offices of the Ministry of Culture (in particular the territorial Superintendents) - both the positive elements and the difficulties of the current legislation that both Superintendents and privates have to face. These difficulties often prevent more simple and effective solutions for both private commitment and for finding f additional funds (even of modest entity ones) to support the various and complex activities of the Superintendents.

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SICI: 1127-1345(2013)2<20:ITDSLV>2.0.ZU;2-3
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