Autore: Barenghi, Mario
Titolo: Six memos for the next decennium
Periodico: Bollettino di italianistica
Anno: 2013 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 96 - Pagina finale: 108

Since Calvino died there have been massive historical changes. Because of this, rethinkingthe qualities of the writings in the Six Memos the author argues that the virtues oflightness and speed have lost their significance; perhaps in the background of today'sreality Calvino would prefer to talk about encumbrance and delay. Instead, the title givesa more modern image, in any case also present since the period of the Cosmicomiche,interpreting reality by correlating time periods that are very distant from each other. Thisis a distinction between the first and the second Calvino. Initially Calvino wrote storiesof variously immature or less important heroes seeking to overcome their own inadequacies,after which he portrayed characters struggling with the risk of falling into a trap.

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SICI: 0168-7298(2013)1<96:SMFTND>2.0.ZU;2-X
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