Autore: Solimine, Giovanni
Titolo: Istruzione, lettura, competenze
Periodico: Bollettino di italianistica
Anno: 2012 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 34

International statistics refer a heavy deficit of cognitive and linguistic competences among Italian people, mostly linked to weak indices of reading. After analysing illiteracy and practices of reading, the article examines the recent publishing market crisis and it ends up by proposing several lines of action in order to advertise the book. These interventions might have a wider range if seen as a redefinition of the ideas of wellness and richness, starting from the hypothesis that the more people share knowledge, the more profits the community can achieve.

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SICI: 0168-7298(2012)2<34:ILC>2.0.ZU;2-Z
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