Autore: Mengaldo, Pier Vincenzo
Titolo: Come si traducono i poeti dialettali?
Periodico: Lingua e stile
Anno: 2012 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 311 - Pagina finale: 344

The paper focuses on self-translations into Italian of a few Italian vernacularpoets of the last thirty years. The author aims to investigate somegeneral questions regarding translation and, most of all, to see how thesepoets feel and carry out the relationship between language and dialect, aswell as between dialect and regional Italian. With some exceptions, it isa difficult relationship, that shows more distance than closeness betweendialect and standard language.

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SICI: 0024-385X(2012)2<311:CSTIPD>2.0.ZU;2-U
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