Autore: Benini, Arnaldo
Titolo: Thomas Mann, Jakob Wassermann e la "Judenfrage"
Periodico: Intersezioni
Anno: 2010 - Volume: 0 - Fascicolo: 2 - Pagina iniziale: 177 - Pagina finale: 204

Many Jewish characters in Thomas Mann's narrative are unpleasant or even odious. Was their author deep-down anti-Semitic? The main topic of the research is Mann's bitter controversy with his Jewish and German friend and narrator Jakob Wassermann over the latter's autobiography, which is an eminent historical witness of the last century. His relation to Thomas Mann is a revealing fragment of a tragic period of European history. Tomas Mann was not anti-Semitic, and Wassermann was not an anti-Semitic Jew.

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SICI: 0393-2451(2010)0:2<177:TMJWEL>2.0.ZU;2-I
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