Autori: Russo, Giuseppe , Formisano, Vincenzo , Lombardi, Rosa
Titolo: A Service-Dominant Logic for banking services
Periodico: Mercati e competitività
Anno: 2012 - Fascicolo: 1 - Pagina iniziale: 81 - Pagina finale: 93

In the current competitive scenario, services now pervade all business activities, involving every production system and every organization. The emerging importance of services and their decisive role, compared to goods, in every business transaction in the global economy encourages scholars, professionals and business experts to engage in research models, paradigms and theories to better describe the new processes of value creation. This paper aims to analyze the applicability of the theoretical Service-Dominant Logic model to the field of local banking services, therefore, to interpret the concepts within a sector, that is, banking, in which the service component is increasingly becoming more strategic. The article briefly reviews the main features of the evolution of the process of banking services to represent their current evolutionary foundations in the light of the new paradigm of the S-D Logic. The paper combines theory and practice, with the help of a case study, appropriately selected for analysis. To conclude, the analysis shows that the theoretical approach of the Service-Dominant Logic improves the performance of the bank analyzed in economic terms (increased economic value created) as well as in terms of services offerred to customers with improved interactions, relationships and loyalty.

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SICI: 1826-7386(2012)1<81:ASLFBS>2.0.ZU;2-2
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