Articoli pubblicati da: Caroli, Dorena

Risultato della ricerca: (36 titoli )

Abbandono, fame e devianza dei giovani in Urss (1917-1935)
Storia e problemi contemporanei - 2001
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Alla Sal'nikova, Rossijskoe detstvo v XX veke: Istorija, teorija i praktika issledovanija [Russian childhood in the twentieth century: history, theory and research practice], Kazan', Kazanskij Gosurdarstvennyj Universitet, 2007, 255 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2008
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Becoming Italians at school through the cultural and natural heritage
History of education & children's literature - 2017
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Cathy A. Frierson, Semyon S. Vilensky (edd.), Children of the Gulag, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2010, VII-450 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2012
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Charles Magnin, Christian Alain Muller (edd.), Enseignement secondaire, formation humaniste et société – 16.-21.siècle. Actes du colloque international et pluridisciplinaire tenu à l'occasion du 450. anniversaire de la fondation du Collège de Genève par Calvin, Genève, 23-26 mars 2009, Avec la collaboration de Blaise Extermann, Genève, Editions Slatkine, 2012, 438 p.+1 CD [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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Il CIRSE e la tradizione degli studi storico-educativi in Italia. Tendenze storiografiche tra presente e futuro
Studi sulla formazione - 2023
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Educational institutions, curricula and cultural models in the higher education of the nobility and intelligentsia at the turn of the 20. century in Russia
History of education & children's literature - 2012
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Gary McCulloch, The Struggle for the History of Education, London and New York, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2011, 139 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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History of education and children's literature in the Italian universities (1988-2013). Anatomy of a university discipline between teaching, scientific research and cultural presence.
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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Images and imagery of 'Europe's Garden'. Cultural, artistic and natural heritage in reading books for the Italian schools abroad
History of education & children's literature - 2017
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In search of children's literature in Russia and the Soviet Union: a critical note to Ben Hellman's volume
History of education & children's literature - 2016
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L'infanzia di Ivan. L'assistenza sociale ai bambini abbandonati in Urss (1917-1939)
Zapruder - 2007
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International bibliography of history of education and children's literature (2014)
History of education & children's literature - 2015
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International bibliography of history of education and children's literature (2015).
History of education & children's literature - 2016
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International Bibliography of History of Education and Children's Literature (2016)
History of education & children's literature - 2017
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International Bibliography of History of Education and Children's Literature (2017)
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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International Bibliography of History of Education & Children's Literature (2010-2012)
History of education & children's literature - 2013
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International Bibliography of the History of Education and Children's Literature (2013).
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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Ivan Fedorov's 1574 and 1578 Primers: a pedagogical perspective
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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Leafing primers and readings books. Recent trends in the history of school books in Russia
History of education & children's literature - 2012
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Lesen lernen... mehrstrachig! Fibeln und lesebucher aus Europa und Amerika. Katalog zur Ausstellung der Arbeitsgruppe Fibeln [Reading Primers Special Interest Group]der Internationalen Gesellschaft fur historische und systematische Schulbuch forschung im Rahmen der Tagung 'Mehrsprachigkeit und Schulbucj' vom 22. bis 24.9.2011 an der Freien Universitat Bozen in Brixen/Bressanone. Hrrg. Gert Geissler, Wendelin Sroka, Joanna Wojdon, Gesamtleitung und Redaktion Wendelin Sroka, Bonn/Essen im Selbst-verlag, 2011, 86 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2012
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Mariella Colin, 'Les enfants de Mussolini'. Littèrature, livres, lectures d'enfance et de jeunesse sous le fascisme. De la Grande Guerre à la chute du régime, Avec un contribution de Pompeo Vagliani 'Le illustrateurs du Ventennio', Caen, Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2010, 389 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2012
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New insights into the history of child rearing within Russian and Soviet families (1890-1940)
History of education & children's literature - 2013
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The new school movement in Russia: Konstantin N. Venttsel (1857-1947), the concept of 'free upbringing' and the Declaration of the rights of the child
History of education & children's literature - 2017
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New Sources for the teaching of history and of the Constitution in the Soviet Union: textbooks and school exercise book (1945-1965)
History of education & children's literature - 2009
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Nuove tendenze nella storia dell'infanzia, dell'educazione e delle istituzioni scolastiche nella Russia post-comunista (1986-2006)
History of education & children's literature - 2007
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Partigiani sovietici nella Resistenza italiana: percorsi e memorie
Storia e problemi contemporanei - 2006
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Primers, culture(s) of childhood and educational models in Europe (16-20th centuries)
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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Russian and Soviet schooling: educational legacies, institutional reforms and national identities
History of education & children's literature - 2008
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Russian schools abroad. National identity, soviet reforms and cosmopolitan education by Sergei I. Hessen (1887-1950).
History of education & children's literature - 2015
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The school of the Habsurgs
History of education & children's literature - 2014
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'Science and didactics' in school textbooks for secondary school during de-Stalinization in the Soviet Union (1954-1962)
History of education & children's literature - 2016
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'Seeing Like a State?' Innovative approaches to the history of education in Russia presented at the International conference at the Indiana University Europe Gateway at CIEE Global Institute (Berlin, 14-15 October 2017)
History of education & children's literature - 2018
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'Sempre pronti!'. Le associazioni russe di scout e pionieri
Memoria e ricerca - 2007
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Soviet children's writings: school exercise books, letters to the authorities, personal diaries and war memories
History of education & children's literature - 2012
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Vladislav Rjeoutski (ed.), Quand le français gouvernait la Russie. L'education de la noblesse russe 1750-1880, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 395 p. [Recensione]
History of education & children's literature - 2017
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Università degli studi [Pavia] : Biblioteca di Giurisprudenza Strada nuova, 65
27100 - Pavia