Adamo, Francesco Titolo:
Economic Depression and Development Policies for Mezzogiorno and ItalyPeriodico:
Geoprogress journalAnno:
2018 - Volume:
5 - Fascicolo:
1 - Pagina iniziale:
37 - Pagina finale:
47This paper considers the economic depression that in the period 2008-2014 has hit most traditionally less advanced Mediterranean regions and particularly the South of Italy. It interprets their economic performance mainly on the basis of the theory of late capitalism, develops some reflections and outlines some possible policies to promote the recovery and realize in the long run a significant reduction in the inequality of working conditions and of life between these peripherical regions and the most advanced region of Eurozone.
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SICI: 2384-9398(2018)5:1<37:EDADPF>2.0.ZU;2-S
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